Obama betrays the left; cheers continued expansion of drug war

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…Criminalization of plant-based medicine

Mike Adams
Natural News
Monday, April 16, 2012

If you happen to need even more evidence that President Obama has gutted his campaign promises and betrayed not only the left but also African Americans who enthusiastically supported his election, he has just gone public with his support for the continued war on drugs. Keeping marijuana criminalized, it seems — and keeping more African Americans in prison — is a top priority for the Obama administration.

This means Obama supports the midnight DEA raids on our citizenry; the filling of prisons with small-time pot smokers; the disproportionately punitive sentences handed down to black men and women across America who aren’t really criminals at all… they merely suffer from achemical addictionthat would more rightly be considered a medical issue.

Nearly every country in Latin America has now openly and publicize recognized that the so-called “war on drugs” is a complete and total failure. But Obama thinks it’s just great! Fill the prisons! Prosecute more blacks! Buy more guns and night vision gear for the DEA! That’s what Obama’s America stands for, it seems.

“I personally and my administration’s position is that legalization is not the answer,” Obama said just hours before the meeting of Latin American leaders at the Convention Centre in Cartagena, Colombia, for the Americas Summit (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-17716926). Meanwhile, Obama’s top Secret Service agents and military commanders were banging Colombian whores in the background, then refusing to pay them their $47 prostitution fee. (http://www.naturalnews.com/035580_Secret_Service_Colombia_prostitutes…) Obama had “no comment” on that particular issue.

Let’s get real about all this.Marijuana prohibition simply doesn’t work. At least not for reducing crime and drug addiction. Anyone who thinks prohibition works iscompletely delusional. But it does work for certain special interests. What are those special interests, anyway?

Who BENEFITS from the continued criminalization of marijuana?

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

If you really want to know why prohibition remains in place with marijuana, it’s simple to find out why. Just ask yourself “Who benefits?”

• The DEA. Without a drug “problem,” the DEA won’t get hundreds of millions of dollars worth of increases in operating budgets from the federal purse strings. If drugs were decriminalized, the DEA would have to be sharply downsized (which would be a great thing for liberty and safety but a terrible thing for the DEA honchos).

• Private prisons. Thanks to illegal agreements between prison operators and state governments, prisons can put prisoners to work at slave labor wages– just a few cents an hour — manufacturing goods that the corporate prison owners sell for pure profit. If you thought the Nike sweatshops in Asia were bad, go visit a prison in the USA some time and watch the slave labor taking place right here at home.

• Local police. The “drug war” is the excuse that local police departments use to receive more grant money for weapons, assault gear and now even armored assault vehicles to be used against the citizens. Without the drug war excuse, all this grant money disappears and these cops have to go back to actually serving the community instead of bashing in doors like a bunch of cocaine cowboys.

• The government drug runners! It’s now a well-known fact that the ATF, DEA and other government agencies are all heavily involved in running drugs across America. Just Google any of these terms if you want to check it out for yourself. The ATF is even engaged in money laundering through the globalist banks. This is why government crackdowns on drugs are highly selectively — drug raids are really just a way to eliminate the competition so that the biggest drug dealer of all — the government itself — can continue to rake in the maximum profits. Legalizing drugs would obviously cause street prices to collapse, sucking all the profits out of the government-run drug business.

• Local District Attorneys and prosecutors. Without the drug war to give them a juicy field of easy targets to prosecute, their careers would take a huge hit. It’s so much harder to arrestrealcriminals than to go after pot smokers and raw milk farmers, isn’t it? Gee, imagine the difficulty of actually fighting REAL crime for a change?

• Big Government. The entire government benefits from the continued criminalization of drugs. For starters, it establishes the outrageous precedent that government can outlaw a native plant– even a plant that has grown wild across North America for hundreds of years. This alone is an outrageous encroachment on fundamental human freedom. Beyond that, the government can always point to “drug violence” as another excuse to squash our freedoms and put in place a tyrannical police state. It’s all “for your own good,” of course. Isn’t it always?

• Big Pharma and the hospital industry. Because recreational drugs are illegal, they’re often cut with dangerous chemicals that cause liver damage and kidney damage. This results in yet more repeat business for hospitals and the drug industry. If street drugs were legalized, they would be standardized and regulated, and adulteration of those products would be extremely rare. They would besafer to use,in other words, which is exactly what the pharmaceutical industry is dead set against. They only make money when people are damaged or sick from using street drugs concocted in somebody’s trailer.

Who LOSES from the drug war? You!

So we’ve covered the beneficiaries of the drug war, but who loses from it? You do, of course: Your liberties, freedoms, tax dollars and personal safety are all threatened by the existence of the war on drugs. Decriminalizing and regulating these drugs would have an enormously positive impact on you and your life.

If drugs were decriminalized, here’s what would happen:

• Drug gangs would vanish as their source of revenues (illegal drugs at black market prices) dry up.

• Drug-related crime would sharply fall.

• State revenues would skyrocket from the regulated sale of legalized marijuana.

• The corrupt prison industry would collapse to perhaps only 25% of its current size.

• Your personal safety and security would be greatly enhanced due to the lack of drug violence, shootings, home invasions and more.

• Mexican drug gangs would lose their power base, resulting in a sharp drop in crime along the border.

• Former “criminal” pot smokers would once again become taxpaying members of the workforce, contributing to the financial upkeep of society rather than draining it as prisoners.

• The happiness index across society would sharply rise.

Even the Red Cross says decriminalize marijuana

It’s all pure economics, my friends. Cause and effect. Legalize recreational drugs and you end the violence, the crime, the prison system overload and the entire underground market for the stuff.

It’s all so obvious that even the Red Cross has called for decriminalization (http://copssaylegalize.blogspot.com/2012/03/red-cross-calls-for-drug….).

At the same time, countless members of the FBI, DEA and active-duty police organizations are also openly calling for decriminalization (http://www.leap.cc/).

The rational argument for ending prohibition is further detailed atwww.Norml.org

There are no rational reasons for keeping marijuana criminalized. There are onlypoliticalreasons for doing so. That’s why Obama continues to support the irrational war on drugs — because it’s a political issue.

Obama, the betrayer of the political left

Obama, of course, is a teleprompter-reading puppet of the global elite. He does what they tell him to do, and right now they’re telling him to keep pushing Drug War propaganda because it’s a highly effective way to expand the police state and keep people living in fear while denying them access to plant-based medicine.

Obama, it turns out, has betrayed the left so many times I can hardly keep count: He supports the GMO industry, he signed the NDAA which expands secret arrests and secret Gitmo-style prisons, he’s an opponent of farm and food freedom (http://www.naturalnews.com/035301_Obama_executive_orders_food_supply….) and he has proven himself to be nothing more than a big business operative who defends the status quo while preaching “hope and change” that he never delivers.

Obama has assaulted free speech, due process (http://www.naturalnews.com/034537_NDAA_Bill_of_Rights_Obama.html), medical freedom and parental rights. In doing so, he has betrayed many of the top priorities of the very people who once put him into office.

He wants to keep marijuana criminalized because that’s what the police state fascist system of corporate control wants.

Of course, this doesn’t mean the alternatives we’re given are going to be any better. This is not some pitch for Romney, for God’s sake. That guy is just as much of a corporate sellout as Obama (and Bush before him). Elections are created to present the illusion that the People have a choice when, in reality, all they’re voting for is which color of puppet they want to see on television while we’re all being imprisoned, exploited, enslaved and oppressed by a growing fascist state.

Care to guess which candidate would have decriminalized marijuana from the get-go? His name is Ron Paul, and the ideas of freedom and liberty that he espouses are the real answer for the future of our nation. No matter who shows up in the ballot box this November, Ron Paul is my President, because he’s the only candidate who is deeply committed to legalizing freedom in America.

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41 Responses to “Obama betrays the left; cheers continued expansion of drug war”

  1. OMG why would you need marijuana or anything like this?In Europe just Holland aproves this and its very limited to small qty
    If people start smoking this sh%t the violence on the streets is exploding
    drugs are a very bad choice for people

    Glen Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 3:49 am

    Hardly the point RETARD.

    And DOPE quietens people down you Idiot … Refer Madness was Propaganda.

    Just watch the IDIOT MAJORITY miss the point as well and vote for the FASCIST ODUMBO.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 11:05 am

    O’barry does exactly what he’s told to do

    He doesn’t write speeches
    He doesn’t create laws
    He doesn’t make cabinet appointments
    He doesn’t select SC judges
    He doesn’t go to war

    He golfs and plays hoops…that’s it

    PhilStapley Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 4:21 am

    @Greyfox: I am a seventh day adventist. So I think you should stop taking your cummadin (blood thinner) and lisinopril (high blood pressure medication). Then I hope you get cancer so I can withhold your pain medication because I feel entitled to decide what drugs are OK for you.

    Greygox, I hope to god you were kidding with your post. If you are not, you are incredibly stupid.

    What a person puts in thier body is thier own business. Although I feel it is my business to put my cock in your ass.

    lizardlaw Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 4:34 am

    what comes around leaves a wet spot. Phil me in 🙂

    American Dystopia Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 7:01 am

    Right and you can point to some statistics to prove what you say? I already know you can’t, but would love to see you try.

    Artfuldodger Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 11:26 am

    Yes, politicians and governments lie:

    Her family was very well to do and I asked her aunt, ‘How could your family have stayed behind and not left before the Nazis came in?’ She said, ‘I’ll never forget that night, Gerald. We were listening to the radio and they said that the French troops had repelled the German troops over the Belgian border.

    The next morning, we woke up and the Nazis had occupied Paris.’ I said, ‘You must have known this was going to happen.’ She said, ‘Gerald, the people that stayed behind thought they had too much to leave behind.’

    That’s what is going on now. This is coming down right in front of our eyes. Our rights are gone. The people are going to wake up one day. It’s happening (again).”

    From Kingworldnews*com

  2. Anybody I have seen on marijuana are not violent, no need to go there. I do know that all the prisons in America need jobs and if they don’t have any work, they’ll shut down !

    Greyfox Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 3:36 am

    HAHAHA they are not violent;just figure they run out of money for drugs they will strip you naked with a knife and take your wallet to buy more smokes

    Glen Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 3:54 am


    It’s ILLEGALITY that ups the prices.
    It’s ILLEGALITY that Puts people in PRISON for an Addiction
    It’s ILLEGALITY that Causes the CRIME to support the habit

    But hey, You must be so stupid you believe the RETARDED Propaganda.

    exexpat11 Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 7:32 am

    Prohibition causes the crime. Pot is no worse than cigarettes or alcohol. Should we ban those also and have the roaring 20′s again?

    American Dystopia Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 9:21 am

    cigarettes or alcohol don’t prevent cancer 😉

    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 11:17 am

    I smoke for the children

    American Dystopia Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 7:05 am

    The troll-o-meter is in the red!

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 9:20 am






    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 9:22 am


  3. The U.S. Army shot and killed all the buffalo- to defeat native tribes by destroying their food source.
    The U.S. policy makers turned low-IQ prohibition axe wielders into narcotics interdiction officers.
    The U.S. Department of Education can’t do anything with former TSA agents. Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

    Meanwhile, it’s almost 4/20/2012!

    Jimmy Chowda Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 7:39 am

    Wait, that is not buffalo meat I buy at the store?

  4. im from holland and i have never heard of anybody stripping someone naked with a knife to buy weed because weed is something that is not addictive not like heroin junkies where their bodys are actually screaming to get another hit also people dont get violent from smoking weed they mellow out otherwise holland would be a very violent place seeing as most people from all walks of life here tend to smoke a J. and if it were to make you violent do you think it would be sold legaly here? i think not, ever since the legalisation of weed the crime rates have gone down alot and more violence tends to occur when alchohol comes into play not weed. so stop spouting nonsence about weed if you have no idea about what it does and how it works its even considered to be a good pain medicine a good antistress medicine and a good anti depresion medicine and pure THC has even shown that it helps against some forms of cancer and much more, its better than all those chemichal pills that the pharmacists push on everyone they harm your body more than help it. i consider the pharmasist to be a worse drug dealer than a weed dealer because they know what that crap does to your body they even put it in the voucher which has more side efectts on it than words in the english dictionary but they still sell it to you.

    weed is from the earth man god put it here for us take advantage
    (i know its kind of a crappy movie line to use which doesnt help my statement but think about it its true)

    Glen Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 5:10 am

    Don’t take GreyFAUX Seriously … He is an old FOOL still believing that the Drugs are the problem. He is still stuck in his REFER MADNESS.

    Just like Guns are the problem, not the people pointing them at other people.

  5. The only ones who should be in prison are the ones running these so called drug wars. It’s all about a war on any competition for drug money. And our mobster run government doesn’t like competition. They make money staging the war and then make money from the drug trade they now have a monopoly on.
    I don’t take drugs especially perscription drugs [the worst of them all] and i suggest the rest of you don’t either.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 9:22 am


    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 11:28 am

    Agree…When Ben Franklin flew a kite in an electrical storm he had to be on Bubba Kush

  6. What, you mean taking drugs from other then prescription drugs, the kind that’ll kill you ? Of course you gotta lock-em up, ya can’t make money off of natural and home remedies ? Besides, you won’t need vaccines if they do that, “OMG, Merck and Bayer will be thrown under a bus !?”

    frontline Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 5:46 am

    finaly the truth of it all …..the moneychanger scumfucks always bash the people for even thinking bout competeing with them …seems everythings illeagle for the people …and the scumfuck moneychangers run there extorsion game on there slaves and jail them into compliance stupidity like some the opinions here

    lizardlaw Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 6:32 am

    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is to healing what the American Medical Association is to disease.

  7. It is not just pain or party drug, it’s a cure for depression= low to high. If the masses were not so damned depressed about their obvious suppression buy god almighty uncle sam, maybe they would smoke less. But you cannot make the masses stop doing what they feel is right for them, and to not do what is wrong in the eyes of the almighty do no wrong perfect government(pathetic). USA government considers it’s citizens to no longer be that, or Americans, or even humans, but rather tax payers, payers of tax, consumers, subjects and slaves to government. It is because of this dissrepect that the masses of AMERICANS(NOT JUST TAX PAYERS) have lost most if not all respect for the REVOLTINGLY SMUG RULING CLASS IN WASHINGTON DISCTRICT OF CORRUPT CRIMINALS. Hey oby, FUGGKK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. When a man FAILS in business, or SUCKS at their job, or any other manner of displaying weakness and ineptitude, THEY GET A GOVERNMENT JOB, FACT FACT FACT. Hey, too dumb to pay your whore and thus cause this fallout?!! DUMB DUMB DUMB FACT FACT FACT. Again, oby, FUGGKKK YOU!!!!!

    lazarus2 Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 9:55 am

    Pot is no different than alcohol, or cigarettes? I respectfully disagree. Alcohol is BY FAR a stronger and more dangerous drug. They have done studies that show that tobacco is MORE addicting than pot. (Thanks to the additives) Pot heads do not commit violent crimes, to support their habit. They just want to grow it, and be left alone.

    If you profess to believe in personal freedom, then stand up for it, and don’t support laws that are solely designed to keep the prices high, and criminalize American citizens.

    America: The (So called) free country, that doesn’t believe in freedom! The country that dares to condemn gun ownership, while proving ITSELF to be irresponsible in regard to the possession of weapons. Take the government’s weapons, not the peoples’. Who has killed more, us, or them?

    This government has put new meaning to the word hypocrite. I love the American people, and they are by far the superiors of those who lay claim to roles of leadership. Has anyone ever seen one of the versions of “1984?” One can’t help but see that the masses have the numbers, and therefore the power, to overthrow those who oppress them,………………………………….but,……………………. they sit in silent obedience. We are not as far gone as those represented in ’1984′, but may soon be.


  9. The war on marijuana was waged on 4/20/10 with the Gulf of Mexico oil gusher. Are native plants, hemp oil, Tesla technology, and the like, good solutions for economic and social problems? Of course!! How to defeat the solutions? How to show who’s boss? Deliberately flood the Gulf of Mexico with oil and Corexit!!! Declare victory in the war on drugs!! What are social and economic problems that the government can intervene and solve? Let’s see, someone is growing a zucchini plant, and the sunlight is getting through to the leaves, the leaves are photosynthesizing the sunlight into energy, a living thing is growing of its own nature and accord. A living thing exists of its own accord and nature, not hurting anything or anyone, providing a nutritious source of food!! War game the zucchini plant, get in the Pentagon situation room, cut the flow of sunlight from the sun to the earth, shut this mother….. down!!! Zero tolerance, if there is a one percent chance that that zucchini plant could grow to maturity, it could be dangerous!!! Nip it in the bud!!!

  10. As a lifelong cannabis enthusiast, I am well accustomed to living in fear of the government. It seems to me that the trends of the last decadesare just extending their brutality to all of the citizenry, not just us horrible others. Welcome to the boat, my friends.

  11. Gotta love the hypocrites who have bottles of Big Pharma’s poisons stuffed in their medicine cabinets, but believe that Cannabis is evil.

  12. oh, and that POS obama is addicted to tobacco. what a goddamned hypocrite. i hope he gets lung cancer….

  13. Weed is no panacea, but it sure shouldn’t be classified as a schedule 1 drug. With something like 80 million Americans smoking pot and it can’t even be studied or discussed with any rational discourse. Places like Holland did not fall off the edge of the earth and do fine with legalized mj. In Montana, we went through a brief period of quasi-legal medical marijuana. A few folks took advantage for profit, but violence went down in the community. NOt as many meth-heads seeking cash and kicking in business doors at night. Instead they were stoned and playing video games, to generalize of course. Our whole society needs something better to strive for than just money, and the perversion is what twists folks into pharma-monkeys and potheads, alcoholics etc…

  14. lessgov’s proposed constitutional amendments:

    – Congress shall make no laws regulating the personal lives of consenting adults in their own homes.-

    – Congress shall make no laws regulating what adults may do -or not do- to and with their own bodies.-

    Berserker Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 7:51 am

    Smoking a natural plant in Pursuit of Happiness absolutely applies here. No amendments needed. As for the bible thumpers…Hebrews 6:17

    For the earth which drinks in the
    rain that often comes upon it, and bears
    herbs useful for those by whom it is
    cultivated, receives blessing from God.

  15. small amounts of POT for personal use, and smalltime growing, SHOULD be legal.
    large scale growing for profit, sales, and DUI can still be illegal, no real problem.

    the prohibition has teenagers popping pills or snorting powders in the closet.
    the prohibition keeps the prices through the roof, and the jails needlessly full.

    California sherriffs who DONT protect medical marijuanna dispensaries from FEDS,
    are in dereliction of duty, accomplices to the thefts by the criminals in uniforms.
    when feds start getting locked up or shot at for BEING criminals, the BS will stop.

    shall we ask HOLDER about this “war on drugs” BS?
    Iran-contra? fast-n-furious? gee if I want drugs can I send weapons to Mexico too?

  16. Nobody else thinks the drug cartels will shift from weed to pharma knockoffs to make up the difference? And with corporate interests at stake, that could mean a Mexican Vietnam War.

    Also, can anyone give me a link to actual quantitative estimates of tax revenue generated from the legal sale of weed? “Skyrocket” doesn’t cut it for me. Thanks in advance.

  17. The war on drugs is a scam. It was a failure from the start and was meant to be a failure. Or if you put it another way it was meant to milk the public of more and more tax money. Drug war or not there will always be addicts. There will always be abuse of some substance whether it is marijuana, cocaine, prescription drugs, caffeine, alcohol ECT. Politicians of these times are parasitic, idealistic criminals. They are obsolete. Technicians solve problems. Let technicians solve the problems. Laws are idealistic band aids or hazed over scams only benefiting minority groups and the special interest. People must come together with open minds and lead together as a community. We all must realize that we are being divided to turn on each other. When we realize we need each other to lead as a community only then can we solve our problems. As an open minded community we can openly lay all the ideas to or problems on the table and solve them with real practical knowledge. Not with holy idealist laws conjured from a book or the sky. We can only find the answers when we free or minds together. When we can finally come together we can educate each other with the truth and find practical solutions to the problems we face to benefit all. Nothing is perfect. Don’t let government let you think they can make things perfect. They can’t. They know that. And they have no intentions on trying to do so. Life will always be chaotic. Accept the fact.

  18. Peace – it is the male seed that produces no THC that truly threatens corporations u can make anything from wood,ropes,clothing bio fuel , soap very useful HERB not a weed it bears a seed the Ancient ones called it a blessed herb and it is ! U want real freedom free up the herb! Just imagine what is called third world countries cultivating the herb very little dependence of foreign countries/corporations my thinking c u 4/24 peace keep blazing !!

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