Executive Order: Feds To Take Control of Domestic Natural Gas Production

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EPA Set To Move Within One Week

Mac Slavo
Monday, April 16, 2012

While Americans focused their attention on the Colombian controversy involving U.S. Secret Service agents, prostitutes and excessive drinking, President Obama quietly signed his latest Presidential Executive Order.

The Supporting Safe and Responsible Development of Unconventional Domestic Natural Gas Resources Executive Order seeks to create what amounts to a Presidential super committee that will oversee the regulation and development of the ‘unconventional’ natural gas industry for the purpose of ensuring a long-term natural gas supply for the United States, as well as to do so in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

Excerpts (Read the complete E.O.):

While natural gas production is carried out by private firms, and States are the primary regulators of onshore oil and gas activities, the Federal Government has an important role to play by regulating oil and gas activities on public and Indian trust lands, encouraging greater use of natural gas in transportation, supporting research and development aimed at improving the safety of natural gas development and transportation activities, and setting sensible, cost-effective public health and environmental standards to implement Federal law and augment State safeguards.

Because efforts to promote safe, responsible, and efficient development of unconventional domestic natural gas resources are underway at a number of executive departments and agencies (agencies), close interagency coordination is important for effective implementation of these programs and activities.  To formalize and promote ongoing interagency coordination, this order establishes a high-level, interagency working group that will facilitate coordinated Administration policy efforts to support safe and responsible unconventional domestic natural gas development.

The target of the legislation is what many believe is the unrestricted and out-of-control drilling practices of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, a process which blasts water, sand and chemicals underground to stimulate the release of natural gas. Fracking has led to health concerns from environmentalists and others for its potential to pollute the air and contaminate drinking water. Some theories also suggest that fracturing may raise the likelihood of earthquakes in areas like the central United States, an argument that many scientists agree is plausible.

Executive Order: Feds To Take Control of Domestic Natural Gas Production fracking map
Domestic Fracking Intensity via Gasland

Several industry groups have applauded the President’s move to curtail the industry, with American Petroleum Institute head Jack Gerard saying his organization is “pleased that the White House recognizes the need to coordinate the efforts of the federal agencies that are reviewing, studying or proposing new regulations.”

The President’s order establishes an ”Interagency Working Group”  to be composed of deputy level or higher representatives from federal agencies that include the Defense Department, Transportation, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Energy, Homeland Security, and the Environmental Protection Agency. The working group has been tasked with supporting the safe, responsible and efficient development of unconventional domestic natural gas resources.

Now that the President has given the go ahead, there’s nothing holding the government back. The fracking industry stands to be impacted almost immediately, with federal agencies prepared to tear into operations nationwide in short order:

The Obama administration is taking new steps to increase federal oversight of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, a drilling method that has helped usher in a natural-gas boom but brought with it environmental concerns.

The Environmental Protection Agency is slated to unveil final oil-and-gas air pollution regulations next week that would cut smog-forming and toxic emissions from wells developed with fracking. Separately, the Interior Department will soon float rules for fracking on public lands.

Source: The Hill

But not everyone agrees with what is considered by many to be a further expansion of the federal government into industries traditionally reserved for State regulatory agencies. “We don’t need another working group, or any more bureaucracy, ” responded republican Congressman John Boehner through a spokesman.

According to opponents of the legislation, by Presidential decree the federal government can now coordinate action through thirteen core federal agencies against any domestic natural gas production facility and according to standards determined to be appropriate not by law, but because of political agenda.

Moreover, because a key stated purpose of the Executive Order is to ensure long-term supplies, the President’s decree gives the federal government the ability to shut down gas production operations as they see fit, potentially leading to government price fixing and centralized control of an essential natural energy resource.

While the President’s Executive Order aims to curtail the unsafe and environmentally dangerous practices of the fracking industry, it further expands government control over our lives through more centralization of power and bureaucracy.

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24 Responses to “Executive Order: Feds To Take Control of Domestic Natural Gas Production”

  1. the gas industry is making to much money , the fed wants a bigger piece of the action.
    now obama can regulate natural gas prices from his desk, stop the drilling and stop the growth .

    i will not defend fracking , but this is another unconstitutional E.O. , taking more powers from the individual states . this is going open alot of peoples eyes .

    kerry Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 11:16 am

    We are Eastern Shoshone and we get per capita checks every month from these operations. We live off rez in another state. With the mighty stroke of his super pen. He set up a 13 agency “super committee” that includes EPA and DHS of all bureaucracy monsters. So expect destruction, doom, price fixing, false scarcity, and mass invasion of every aspect of private, sovereign, and state institution.

    Can some please take Barry’s pen from him?

  2. Oh shit, wonder why I think this is just another power control being seized by the Federal government ?

    Glen Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 3:59 am

    Just ONE CARTEL (Banks) fighting the other big CARTEL (OIL)

    Nothing to see here, Just a deceive blow.

    If this happens watch the Fossil Fuel Funded organizations all start to dump on FRACKING.

    Just see them trying to sell Clean Oil over gas in peoples water taps

  3. Fracking doesn’t seem like a good idea to me. This isn’t a throw away world. Future generations will have to live here and having water is the most important resource. On the other hand, the government is run by hostile enemy forces. Giving them new revanue sources and more power over us is not good.

    frontline Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 6:32 am

    yes …but we all know thar gov hasnt done anything in the people intrest ever …its unamerican for this antichrist nazi mouth puppet of the moneychanger scumfucks to even sign such a disgusting anti freedom monopoly to the dictatorship of america the moneychanger scumfucks this is like giving the natural gas to the worst motherfuckers on earth …this is totaly criminnal to to eliminate all the american people and give america energy sorce to the scumfucks that want to distroy america ….this is flat out treason

  4. I dont like the concept of fracking, or “nuclear energy”.
    they’ll drill all day-week-month-year for OIL, but not geothermal heat..
    which would generate all the friggin steam they could want to spin the dynamo’s turbines,
    cheaply and cleanly.

    if all the sewage treatment plants were retro-fit for methane collection properly,
    our sewer systems COULD provide up to 1/2 of our homes electricity demands,
    AND, the water from the plants that ends up in our rivers, would be much cleaner.
    (my dad showed em how and they tried to kill him for it, 30+ years ago)

    this “executive order” stuff is complete BS, just as bungholio-bama’s swearing oath..
    oh he’s executing the office of president allright, along with the whole nation!
    sabotaging the legal system, executions by firing squads (SWAT TEAMS and “feds”)
    sabotage to the economy, our health, our international reputation, and more!
    bush’s, clintons, and bungholio-bama, are ALL-CIA-duhhh..
    and they DO hate us for our freedoms.

    Chika Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 9:08 am

    Oh how many times have we read about people getting whacked or someone (government/corporation?) threatening to whack people who come up with practical, clean energy solutions?…This seems as dangerous as trying to dismantle their central banking cartel.

  5. This is important- there’s no such thing as a tax ‘subsidy’ to oil companies unless you unknowingly buy in to the messed up premise that it’s the ‘givernments’ $ and not what companies risked their own capital and time to deliver organic oil and natural gas, normal tax credits are not subsidies-all companies get them for normal double entry acctg at uniform rates! Oil profits long term are 6-8%!!! over 40years the entire energy value chain has NO economic profit, both cost of capital and after tax rate of return are the same ~8%!!!

    libertyorslavery Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 8:59 am

    Interesting…but your assertions depend on a corrupt model of accounting up and down.

    Although I am innately sympathetic to humans who get together to pursue a goal including profit… in a real, free and accountable marketplace…including environmental accoutability, that is, business…

    and not… the Washington DC/internationalized permeated with corruption…Banking Cartel mass murdering tribally based drug washing Talmud based quasi religious psychotically narcissistic apocalyptic crazy people

    and…their tax exempt foundation “none profit” freedom hating WASP eugenics fixated “More Intigrated World” social engineering science worshiping psychotically narcissistic world government international drug washing crazy people…

    Your figured for profit expenses/taxation depreciation etc. are based WITHIN…this head to toe, corrupted Golem… That passes for American business.

    What has changed in many people’s mind on this sight… who perhaps have in the past supported the “Free Enterprise” model wholeheartedly as an American ideal… And who like myself looked at America’s international actions with deep skepticism BUT… compared those actions to a putative separate…evil communist/socialist model and said something like : “…well…we will deal with the excesses of graft and the CIA et al. later, but today we have to fight the enemy of free thought and action…” etc. etc. IS THAT TODAY WE KNOW THAT AT THE TOP THOSE IN CONTROL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM AND COMMUNISM ARE AND HAVE BEEN FOR OVER 100 YEARS…THE SAME ENITY and that they use mass slaughter in the hundreds of millions, world wars with preplanned outcomes and a very powerful and subtle mind control grid AND “Left” and “Right” Fascism and Communism, Republican and Democrat, Conservative and Labor, Capitalism etc. to move by force to David Rockefeller’s “more integrated world” and that their goal always like every Elitist group in history has enfolded in their self diluted schemes the continuation of their and their progeny’s rule.

    The problem is executive orders in themselves while the National Security Act still exists. If covert means… domestically… controlled by the Banking Cartel through the CFR through the National Security Security Council … still exists… their is no real America and certainly no accounting principals.

  6. Is our Congress, deaf, dumb and blind? WE MUST STOP ALL PRESIDENTS FROM USING “EXECUTIVE ORDERS”. These are no more than dictatorial pronouncements by presidents who don’t believe our Democratic society moves fast enough for them.

    To all our elected Congressional Representatives;


    Hitler used the same tactics when trying to consolidate the Nazi Socialist Party in Germany, and with one or two well placed False Flag events, he took control by convincing the ignorant that he could reshape and change the direction of a country.

    We cannot allow one man or one person to sign “Orders” to do anything that appear to be out of the jurisdictions the Constitution has given the Presidency !!!

  7. “the gas industry is making to much money , the fed wants a bigger piece of the action.”

    NG is selling at a ten year low. The price of NG stocks and trusts is falling through the floor. Brother, you couldn’t be more wrong. We have a glut that threatens to halt new drilling.

    libertyorslavery Reply:
    April 16th, 2012 at 9:38 am

    Glut…there are no gluts in a truly free market correct?…Without the special government promotion of the favored … a price change takes care of “gluts.”. And… Their is a great potential for efficient energy use in America and the world…

    The problem is that free markets where environmental safeguards are enfolded through law and if need be lawsuits etc. do not exist any longer… a massive graft based world state agenda have perverted all…markets.

    It has been reported that BP that is, the Bank of England…that is the Rothschild ENITY … Exports 85% of Alaskan oil to CHINA. This again…is in part…for that outcome of supporting an internationally long envisaged world state.

    “Gluts” I am sure are a real fact to small gas industry participants… But price and domestic supplies of oil/gas etc. …have no…long term relationships while a foreign entity controls domestic supplies/sales and through the Global Warming Derivatives scam…nation state take down actions… and boarder-less speculators in oil and currency… rape “markets.”

    May I suggest that PP/INFOWARS pound this BP Alaskan Oil China connection… it has been mentioned by Alex … but it is a shocking fact that something like 85% of Alaskan crude goes to China to power their… factories funded by in part stolen American capital and savings…to enable the castration of the American manufacturing base and of the means of Liberty.

  8. there ya go, wondered when habitual liar was taking the gas over…..this WAS the cheapest source of a fossil fuel, well now I’m sure it’s going the way of gasoline.

  9. This is great news. Can you imagine how toxic and polluting fracking by private companies must be? In order to have the Federal government intervene it must have been real bad. O’Bama is doing a pretty good job. What are the chances W Bush would have done the same thing? Zero to none.

  10. Sounds like another way to “regulate” the smaller guys out of business. This is dictatorial. Congress needs grow some and hold hearings on this EO madness.

  11. how many executive orders will this asshole sign? when will americans come to the realization that this has gone far enough? im ashamed of this country. how many more freedoms will we lose before somebody actually does something?

  12. Fracking I agree has its environmental issues. But we have the proper rules and failsafes already in place. We do not need the dictator nor the Fed.trying to Nationalize private industry. We are going the same way Germany went Pre WWII. He pulls some stunt almost on a daily basis now. Out of control just out of control………………….

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    Hey there voter!
    Do you remember that on Inauguration Day (Jan 20) 2009, the National Average price for a gallon of gasoline was about $ 1.78?

    The American Police State
    Martial law is on the horizon. Newly erected FEMA camps sprinkle the American landscape. A 45 billion dollar illegal spy program monitors our daily movement and every digital transaction we make. Cameras record our day-to-day activities while facial recognition technology scan and detect – all in the name of fighting a faceless enemy who can never be caught. Welcome to the AMERICAN POLICE STATE.

  13. Socialist governments need a lot of money for their socialist dreams.
    What’s better than wasting natural resources?

    A Government backed by gas money = A Corporation which never goes bankrupt
    Now all those clowns in the universities will enjoy endless support of government for their rubbish works.

  14. The nationalization of natural resources COULD be a viable strategy to break the grip of the international over our natural resources (as Putin did in Russia). Unfortunately, in this country, FED equates to foreign.

    I live in Northern Nevada, where 90% of America’s gold in produced. A few years back, I traced the corporations owning Barrack and Newmont mining to their parent corporation and in both cases it ended up being Crown Holdings; the primary holding company for the Crown Council of 13 (Rothschild partnership with the ruling families).

    As the natural gas pipeline was about to begin construction through our area from Wyoming to Oregon as the Gulf oil rig disaster was taking place, BP bought a half interest in the pipeline from El Paso Gas (again Rothschild and friends).

    Texe Marrs tells the story of BP and China’s largest oil company being in partnership to distribute Iraq’s oil globally.

    And so on.

    (Obviously) the Crown Council is using Agenda 21 and the ability to create unlimited digital dollars to own us.

    Nationalization of critical resources would work short term if we had a legitimate national government. The problem is we don’t.

  15. Lemme see if I understand this. Private for profit corporations will no longer pay to lease for the right to extract federal hydrocarbons under the jurisdiction of the highest court in Washington DC, with no oversight from federal protection agencies? It sounds like policy makers are addicted to hydrocarbons.

    Oxygen (65%)

    Carbon (18%)
    Hydrogen (10%)

    Nitrogen (3%)
    Calcium (1.5%)
    Phosphorus (1.0%)
    Potassium (0.35%)
    Sulfur (0.25%)
    Sodium (0.15%)
    Magnesium (0.05%)
    Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Molybdenum, Fluorine, Chlorine, Iodine, Manganese, Cobalt, Iron (0.70%)
    Lithium, Strontium, Aluminum, Silicon, Lead, Vanadium, Arsenic, Bromine (trace amounts)

    Reference: H. A. Harper, V. W. Rodwell, P. A. Mayes, Review of Physiological Chemistry, 16th ed., Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos, California 1977.

  16. I applaud the Presidents move here!

    The only way to thwart the big oil companies from finding a way to manipulate NatGas the same way the have with oil is to do exactly what Obama is doing now and regulate the producers with market and environmental standards for drilling that protects the environment.

    Enron, the gulf oil disaster, and $147 a barrel oil in 2008 were all because there was lax and non existent laws on producers and the trading of leveraged oil contracts on the NYMEX and world exchanges.

    Americans and the rest of the world got hosed in 2008 of skyrocketing oil prices while world demand for oil actually fell by 5% that same year. These new regulations prohibit the run on NatGas futures that now exist in the oil markets, and this can only be done by Federalizing the NatGas production industry.

    As far as all you guys on here saying that fracking should be banned, please do your homework and you will find that fracking has been done for decades, and all the hullabaloo about the contamination of water wells is such BS. Fracking takes place thousands of feet below the water tables, and some NatGas reported in wells occurs naturally depending on how pressurized the gas is and how close it is to the surface.

    Here in the Pacific Ocean only a couple miles offshore, I have seen huge areas of bubbles coming to the surface that are natural NatGas coming to the surface, as well as tar from oil that is oozing up from high pressure as well. It occurs NATURALLY!

    The ignorant environmental groups ignore this and blame the oil companies no matter what the data tells them otherwise, and the oil companies are guilty until proven innocent.

    NatGas is the way forward for the energy needs of our cars, trucks, power plants, and the USA is the Saudi Arabia of NatGas. All we need is the auto makers to make more cars and trucks with NatGas engines like Honda is doing now, and more NatGas filling station capability like Chesapeake Energy is doing now and we can have energy independence in this country.

    So lets kick some ass and get it done!

  17. mein fuhrer increases his power for complete take-over …

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