Obama to Legalize Illegal Immigration by Decree; Will Add 800,000 Voters In November

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Mac Slavo
June 16, 2012

In the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression in which millions of Americans have lost jobs we can expect even more competition in the employment marketplace.

According to AP sources, President Obama will speak today about a new administration policy that will grant immunity from deportation for some 800,000 immigrants who have entered the country illegally.

The Obama administration will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives. The election-year initiative addresses a top priority of an influential Latino electorate that has been vocal in its opposition to administration deportation policies.

The policy change, described to The Associated Press by two senior administration officials, will affect as many as 800,000 immigrants who have lived in fear of deportation.

Under the administration plan, illegal immigrants will be immune from deportation if they were brought to the United States before they turned 16 and are younger than 30, have been in the country for at least five continuous years, have no criminal history, graduated from a U.S. high school or earned a GED, or served in the military. They also can apply for a work permit that will be good for two years with no limits on how many times it can be renewed.

Source: AP

Opponents of the new policy argue that the move will not only add pressure to an already struggling economy, education and healthcare system, but will likely strengthen Obama’s position in the upcoming Presidential election by adding hundreds of thousands of new voters sentimental to democrat candidates.

While it is illegal to vote in a Presidential election unless you are a U.S. citizen, the only thing a would-be voter needs to cast a ballot is proof of residency (in most States, not even that is required), which is easily obtainable once immunity or legal status is granted.

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12 Responses to “Obama to Legalize Illegal Immigration by Decree; Will Add 800,000 Voters In November”

  1. heil Mein Fuhrer

    illegal voters for an illegal “president” he can’t get the votes at home so he gives migrants us citizenship aslong as they vote for him, that would be about right …

    hellangone Reply:
    June 16th, 2012 at 5:46 am

    Krykie, now I’ve got to stockpile even MORE ammo!

  2. To all the Racialist Liberal Nazi Trolls that will descend on this thread are to play your same old worn out race card here…I am as sick of ignorant racist morons who call UNLAWFUL ALIENS as something as benign as “Illegal”, and as lawful as “Immigrants”. They are committing numerous crimes, many of them felonies; such as falsified SSN that a citizen would be sent to prison for committing such a crime. They are what they are “CRIMINALS” no matter how hard your deluded mind tries to justify it as anything less

    How about we simply throw out 800,000 UNLAWFUL ALIENS, and allow in 800,000 who have sought to abide by our laws who are forced to wait as much as 20 years to enter legally, simply because there are so many who criminally enter UNLAWFULLY, or are you just bigoted toward those who seek to abide by our laws. Our immigration laws are intended to benefit those who are here legally, not those who are here UNLAWFULLY. Just as our criminal laws are intended to protect the innocent, not reward the guilty.

    Instead of supporting those who seek to do things lawfully, you continue to parrot the same old role of loyal true blue Ignorant Racialist Liberal Nazi Entitlement Pushers that you Democrats have always been since your Party’s inception.

    Your Party has always used race as weapon to further their political agendas by means of oppression. That is truly why your Party created the Hegelian illusion of the 2nd Ku Klux Klan as the cause, and then the Congressional Black Caucus as the justified solution. Both creations designed to be as equally vile and Racist as the other; each a carefully crafted political creation of the Democratic Party.

    The same Racist Party that merely transformed our Slave chains of iron, into the shackles of Entitlement Slavery. The same Racist Party that now demands not a harvest of cotton, but a bumper crop of votes for the right to receive what all Slaves have been freely given for loyal servitude throughout the history of the institution…Cheap Food, Cheap Shelter, and Second Rate and Equally Cheap Health Care and Education Resources.

    Now your truly evil masters seek to push yet another vile and Racist Democratic creation like La Raza or more specifically the mainstream version known as the NCLR, which now in desperation the Liberal Racist push into the political arena to champion the causes of your Great Messianic Butcher of Peace Obama.

    An organization that has PUBLICLY CALLED FOR in their leaders speeches and its charter, for the wholesale murder of the “Old White Republicans”, the overthrow of the Constitutional Government of the United States, the establishment of a Socialist Model of a Marxist Government, and the secession of south western states back to control of Mexico. While the primary demographic of the NCLR is the very age group that is comprised of the same demographic as the UNLAWFUL ALIENS that Obama wishes to grant a simply-vetted means of lawful residence to.

    This may be viewed by simpleminded anti-constitutionalist liberals as a political agenda, however; to true Americans of all Races, Creeds, and Colors it is viewed as an overt Declaration of War.

    It’s Racist Liberal Nazi Gutter Trash like the Democrats that propagate and perpetuate 90% of all the Racism in America

    Anyone Adel minded enough to think you can change a Jackass into an Elephant in midstream, is simple minded enough to believe anything.

    As fair warning to that 800,000 who Obama wants to grant these permits, be advised you will also be required to sign on as potential cannon fodder as dictated by your new found saviors’ Kinetic Butchery for Peace wars in Syria, and eventually Pakistan, and/or; Iran, Somalia, or Sudan.

    “The Selective Service System wants you to know that the requirement to register for the military draft did not go away with the end of the Vietnam War. Under the law, virtually all male U.S. citizens, and MALE ALIENS LIVING IN THE U.S., WHO ARE AGES 18 THROUGH 25, ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER WITH SELECTIVE SERVICE.” What better Army to have than one comprised of non-citizen Entitlement Slaves who’s right to remain in the US is shackled to the indentured whims of their War Mongering Master of Kinetic Peace?

    There must be a disqualifier in this EO, if not it runs afoul of the 14th Amendments “Equal Protection Clause”.

    1. What happens if an 18-year-old did not register? It’s a felony to not register. The punishment includes fines of up to $250,000 or five years in prison.

    2. Are there other ramifications for failing to register? In some states, the Selective Service and driver’s license application systems are linked. In Delaware, for example, young men over 18 cannot get a driver’s license if they have not registered with the Selective Service. In all 50 states, students who fail to register are not eligible for student loans or college grants, government jobs or federally funded job training. And immigrants who do not register may be denied citizenship.

    I say if you are allowed to stay, you must be made to become CITIZENS, at least then you will know what it’s like to have your Constitutional Protections stripped from you for being foolish enough to accept such an offer.

    If anything we should simplify the process to that of being mentally sound as the only requirement to become an American Citizen. Only someone truly mentally unsound would seek to surrender the Constitutional Protections afforded too all non-citizens, for the sake of becoming a citizen who today is afforded few to none.

    Perhaps the Constitutional questions we need to ask today, is not does an elected member of our government have the power to grant citizenship to individuals. The question should be does the government have the Constitutional Authority to force their burdensome responsibilities of citizenship upon us at birth?

    warrior10 Reply:
    June 16th, 2012 at 6:32 am

    This is the way to divide and conquer, and they know it. Why would you let 800,000 more people in a country that can’t provide jobs for it’s own people ? To start some shit, that’s why.

    AfricanWarrior1 Reply:
    June 16th, 2012 at 7:21 am

    I was under the impression they were referring to the 800,000 that are already here?

    Those in the Hispanic/Latino community that I know are asking why it took him 3 1/2 years to do something he could have done to start with?

    Their obvious answer of course, is that he knows such an EO would be constitutionally challenged and subsequently ruled against by the SCOTUS.

    He’s just continuing to play games with the lawful Hispanic/Latino voters by hiding his utter disdain for them behind his contempt he holds for all the others who refuse to bow down and worship him.

    If he truly was concerned for the lawful Hispanic/Latino citizens, he would know that the vast majority who actually vote are found in that 37% plus who do not support him. The reason being simply because they are pro-traditional family, and anti-abortion devout Catholics. The three centerpieces of his current agenda that he has openly attacked. That is why he is desperate to agitate the traditionally non-voting segment with-in the Hispanic/Latino community to get out to vote.

    Make no mistake, that 37% plus of Hispanic and Latino citizens are not as stupid as the media would lead you to believe. They know full well what the rhetoric of a dictatorial regime sounds like, because it was either their parents or their own desire to escape one that brought many of them here in the first place.

  3. How the hell did this SOB by-pass Congress ? They ALL need to be fired for taking pay-offs. I know they have all turned their heads the other direction. Why the hell can’t we find a General Butler out there? Are we going to let these scum bags take over the world ? I think not !!

    gordy three horses Reply:
    June 16th, 2012 at 7:41 am

    great idea moron, what are you going to have? an army of one, that’s what.

  4. You guy’s dont understand…its a conscription policy.US Army desperatly need more fresh meat.

  5. Barry ignores the law. I ignore Barry.

  6. Does not have the authority to do this. Lobbying in a demcratic republic is legalized bribery. As a result of this blatent disregard for the constitutional rule of law congress no longer represent the people. They follow the wishes of the real enemy of all mankind. Who did Jesus chase out of the temple? The bankers. Who,s backing this unconstitutional thug in our white house? The bankers.

  7. Outrageous disregard for the constitutional rule of law! I am disgusted!

  8. just get a few king brown snakes from the outback and teach them to bite illegals and turn those blokes loose on them.

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