Obama to ‘Look’ into Bush’s War Crimes… (What???)



Don’t hold your breath. Obama has admitted he would rather just move forward instead of focus on the past. ~ Shepard Ambellas ~ Video

There has been an overwhelming outcry from the populace of the United
States when it comes to war crimes that were committed by George W.
Bush during his former presidential term.

Several interrogation techniques used by the former Bush
Administration have been deemed illegal and are considered “War Crimes”
by law.

In fact, current president Barrack Obama has recently been under fire in the media for not responding to the matter.

Once upon a time, former president George W. Bush actually admitted
that torture is illegal when he was asked the question by a reporter,
despite his blatant use of torture tactics during his presidency which
has been criticized by many. This could be damaging to the former
president (Bush) as he also previously stated;

 “The American people need to know we’re using techniques within the law to protect them.”

A recent interview a few weeks ago with Philip Zelikow detailed how
the office legal council instructed Bush administration officials that
torture was indeed legal.

An excerpt from the GuardianUK reveals;

Philip Zelikow, who was the US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice‘s
most senior official, told the Guardian that he now regards what
officials euphemistically called “enhanced interrogation”, such as sleep
deprivation and waterboarding, as torture – although he did not use
that word at the time and is reluctant to use it now.

Zelikow, whose official position was counsellor to Rice, said he had
her support on the issue. As the state department’s representative on
the National Security Council committee considering legal issues around
violent interrogations, he expressed his concerns at the time in a top secret 2006 memorandum.

The memo, to other members of the committee who represented the
justice and defence departments and intelligence services, warned that
the CIA’s use of waterboarding and other abuses were almost certainly in
breach of US and international law. But the memo so alarmed the
administration that it was immediately rejected and all copies were
ordered destroyed.

A draft version of the memo, found at the state department, was released this week following a freedom of information request by the National Security Archive in Washington.

Zelikow told the Guardian in an email exchange that while he did not
use the word torture in the memo, he believes that is what the CIA was
using. “I do regard the interrogation practices and conditions of
confinement, taken together, as torture – in the ordinary layman’s use
of this term.

But … ‘torture’ is also a term with a carefully worded
legal meaning and definition. So I tend to avoid talking about ‘torture’
because it would appear I’m accusing officials of criminal activity,
which I’m not sure was the case,” he said.

“I have sometimes just referred to ‘physical torment’ instead, which seems expressive and is accurate.”

Zelikow said he is uncertain whether individuals in the CIA or other
services are guilty of war crimes or have other criminal liability over
the use of torture because they were told by the office of legal
counsel, which provides legal advice to the president, that techniques
such waterboarding, which causes the sensation of drowning, sleep
deprivation and stress positions, were legal.

RT goes on to report today;


Under American law this is just not acceptable.

However, the way the law is written leave a “grey area” open to
interpretation, which will allow the crimes to essentially continue when
convenient for the current administration.


Shepard ambellas – April 17, 2012 – TheIntelHub


So… while Obama is ‘looking’ into Dubya’s war crimes… who is going to look into Obama’s multitude of war crimes? That would the same thing as the Bankers investigating each other. LMAO!

Folks wake up, your’re being told whatever you want to hear just to shut you up… talk is cheap. Obama hasn’t done a damn thing he promised to do… nothing!




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