Olympic Mystery as Pastoral Scenes Make Way for Industrial Landscape in London 2012 Opening Ceremony

Monday, 25 June 2012 09:32


‘Covering almost the entire centre of the stadium, the new set resembles the opening credits of the BBC soap EastEnders and features a map of the Thames running through thousands of streets in London.

Dotted around the set are remnants of our mighty industrial past – fiery cauldrons, cotton looms, smoke stacks, and mine shaft winding gears. In the centre an 80 ft high figure, currently covered in a black shroud and holding a staff or wand, will dominate the proceedings.

The organisers of the show refused to comment on what it could be but Mr Boyle has said in the past that Shakespeare’s Tempest was one of his inspirations and this could be the sorcerer Prospero.’

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