Open Thread: Current Drowns Olbermann; Mercurial Leftist Anchor Booted from Al Gore’s Network

Ken Shepherd's picture

“Current TV said Friday afternoon that it had terminated the contract of its lead anchor, Keith Olbermann, scarcely a year after he was hired to reboot the fledgling channel in his progressive political image. Current indicated that he had failed to honor the terms of his five-year, $50 million contract, giving the channel the right to terminate it,” New York Times’s Brian Stelter reported this afternoon. For his part, Olbermann trash-tweeted Al Gore and the suits at Current on the way out the door, no doubt in an inspired manner kinda like this.

Let us have a brief moment of silence, followed by hours of exultation. Leave your comments below. Here’s a topic starter, borrowed from a Twitter hashtag game (#nextjobforkeith), what will Olbermann’s next job be?

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