‘Pak army firing kills Indian trooper’

According to Indian media, the soldier was injured by mortar shrapnel in the Mendhar sector of Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday.

The soldier later died of his wounds at a military hospital in the troubled region.

An Indian defense spokesman accused Pakistani forces of unprovoked firing. Indian military soldiers responded to the shelling, and the exchange of fire continued for several hours, added the official.

Pakistani authorities have yet to react to the allegations.

Tensions have been high since August after five Indian soldiers were killed in an ambush near the border. New Delhi has accused Pakistan’s army of being involved in an overnight ambush that killed five Indian soldiers on August 6.

The border clashes threaten to torpedo recent overtures by the two countries to resume bilateral peace talks, which have been frozen since January.

Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan and is claimed in full by both parties. The two countries have fought three wars since their independence from Britain in 1947 — two of them over Kashmir.

Thousands of people have been killed in Kashmir unrest over the past two decades.


Source Article from http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/10/16/329718/pak-army-firing-kills-indian-trooper/

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