Pakistan deputy attorney-general to clean shoes at Amritsar Golden Temple

He visited his local Gurdwara every day for two months, where he read the
works of the Sikh gurus, including Guru Nanak, and polished shoes. In both
India and Pakistan, shoes are regarded as dirty, and touching the feet of
another is an act of self-abasement and respect.

He was on Monday night travelling from New Delhi to Amritsar after India’s
Sikh prime minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, indicated he had no objection to him
continuing his pilgrimage at the Golden Temple.

Paramjeet Singh Sarna, president of Delhi’s Sikh Gurdawara Management
Committee, said Mr Khan’s actions had moved Indian Sikhs.

“There is always this underlying impression that every Pakistani is a
radical but people like Khurshid have changed this image. His act has a
message for the entire humanity. Although he as an individual didn’t hurt or
kill anybody he has shown remorse for the innocent victims of the Taliban in
Pakistan, including a Sikh, by performing community service. We are thankful
to him for everything he has done for the minorities in Pakistan,” he

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