Pakistani PM faces contempt verdict

The court is expected to read out its verdict on the case on Thursday, AFP reported.

In February, Gilani was indicted for refusing to reopen corruption cases against President Asif Ali Zardari, which date back to the 1990s for two years.

The embattled premier, who has appeared twice before the court so far, denied he is in contempt for failing to reopen the corruption cases.

Gilani has promised to attend the hearing in person and his cabinet is expected to accompany him.

The government argued that Zardari, who rejects the corruption charges, enjoys immunity as the country’s president.

“I will appear before the court tomorrow,” Gilani told the cabinet on Wednesday.

The government alleges that the judges are attempting to bring down the president and the prime minster. Gilani’s possible conviction may lead to early elections within months.


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