Pakistanis slam guidelines for US ties

The protestors in the city of Multan set fire to the US and NATO flags and voiced their anger over the parliamentary guidelines that could pave the way for the re-opening of supply lines to US-led forces in neighboring Afghanistan.

The Pakistani parliament approved new guidelines on Thursday, for the country’s ties with the United States in an attempt to repair their strained relations.

The recommendations which were drafted by a national security committee and were unanimously passed by Pakistani lawmakers, urge an end to US drone attacks in Pakistan and an unconditional apology for November US-led airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers at two mountainous posts near its Afghan border.

Relations deteriorated between Pakistan and the US after Islamabad responded to the deadly attack by closing the border crossings used to transfer NATO supplies into landlocked Afghanistan and by ordering the US military personnel to vacate a remote airfield in Balochistan Province that was used to launch drone strikes.

In 2001, Pakistan entered an alliance with the US against the so-called war on terrorism but the controversial issue of the drone strikes, considered by Islamabad as a violation of the country’s sovereignty, has at times jeopardized the partnership.

The US uses the unmanned aircraft for attacks on Pakistan’s tribal regions, claiming the airstrikes target pro-Taliban militants, but locals say civilians are the main victims of the assaults.


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