London Olympics ticket fraud probed

The IOC called a meeting of its executive board and began its investigations, after the Sunday Times newspaper reported that the tickets to Olympic events are being fraudulently touted by Olympics officials.

The ticket corruption has undermined the management of the games as some Britons have failed to get any tickets for the event, due to start on July 27.

According to the report, thousands of tickets for some of the events including the opening ceremony and men’s 100m final have been put up for sale for up to ten times their value by the members of National Olympic Committees (NOCs).

The NOCs across the world are given ticket supplies to be sold to their own country’s residents and are prohibited from selling them overseas and to the resellers.

However, the newspaper’s investigation found that 27 officials and agents from the Israeli regime, Serbia, Lithuania and Cyprus were willing to sell tickets for a profit.

“The IOC takes these allegations very seriously and has immediately taken the first steps to investigate. Should any irregularities be proven, the organization will deal with those involved in an appropriate manner,” said a spokesman for the IOC.

“The NOCs are autonomous organisations, but if any of the cases are confirmed the IOC will not hesitate to impose the strongest sanctions.”

Earlier on June 7, furious fans criticized London Olympics 2012 chiefs for the expensive “prestige tickets” on offer, saying that hundreds of thousands have been left ticketless.


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