Palestinians Attempting to Kick Jews Out of FIFA

Daily Slave
May 20, 2015

Fifa 2014

The Palestinians are attempting to get the Israeli Jews kicked out of FIFA and banned from international football competition.  They are attempting to do this because the Jews are a bunch of evil bastards who do things like restrict Palestinian travel and drop bombs on their women and children.

The Jews are naturally claiming they are the victims in this even though the only reason they are hated is because they are a bunch of demonic scoundrels.

Times Live:

Israel Football Association chief Rotem Kamer said Tuesday that a Palestinian attempt to oust it from world football governing body FIFA was “cynical” and counter to the spirit of sport.

Kamer’s remarks came as FIFA chief Sepp Blatter was in the region in a bid to reach a resolution on the Palestinian bid to expel Israel at a meeting later this month.

Blatter has said the issue is his “challenge number one” ahead of the May 29 FIFA Congress, at which he will also be seeking reelection.

He was to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later on Wednesday ahead of talks with Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on Thursday.

Kamer said that the Palestinian demand had “nothing to do with sports”.

“We see it as a clear mix of politics and football, something which should not find a place in the FIFA Congress,” he told reporters.

“We believe football in our region should be used as a bridge between people”.

Palestine, which has been a member of FIFA since 1998, wants it to bar Israel from international competition to punish restrictions it places on the movement of Palestinian players.

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