Palestinians hold demo for #HanaShalabi in Gaza Strip

The protesters marched on the office of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Gaza on Wednesday.

Hana al-Shalabi has been on a hunger strike for more than 40 days. Doctors have warned that her condition is life-threatening.

Israeli authorities recently rejected an appeal against her detention.

Palestinians in the West Bank have also held numerous protests, calling for her release.

Shalabi was among those Palestinians released in a prisoner swap deal between Tel Aviv and Hamas last year, but she and several others were rearrested.

Palestinian Prisoners’ Club, a non-governmental organization, reported on Tuesday that dozens of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails have joined a hunger strike to show support for Shalabi.

According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and prisoner advocacy groups, there are currently thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, many of whom have been rounded up without charge or trial.


All Palestinian Hungerstrikers –List of all names

For all other posts for Hana’ Ash-Shalabi
Hana’ Yayha Shalabi – Action Alert
Hana’ Yayha Shalabi – Addameer Prisoner support
Palestinian Hunger Strikers: A History

Palestine’s Prisoners – Pictures

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