#PalHunger | Liberated prisoner Ruhi Mushtaha taken to hospital for the 2nd time in less than 12 hours

[ PIC 05/05/2012 – 04:05 PM ]

GAZA, (PIC)– Liberated Hamas leader Ruhi Mushtaha was transferred to Shifa hospital in Gaza city on Saturday for the second time in less than 12 hours after his health worsened again.

Hamas sources told the PIC that Mushtaha was among dozens of other liberated prisoners in Gaza who are taking part in a hunger strike in solidarity with the hunger striking prisoners in Israeli occupation jails.

They said that medical teams were checking Mushtaha’s health condition, noting that he was adamant on maintaining his hunger strike.

Mushtaha was taken to hospital at dawn Saturday after his health deteriorated then later returned to the sit-in tent.

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