#PalHunger | Protest in Al-Khalil in solidarity with hunger striker Sharawna

[ PIC 31/07/2012 – 09:13 AM ]

AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– The Palestinian prisoner society staged a sit-in for families outside the Red Cross headquarters in Al-Khalil city in solidarity with striking prisoner Ismail Sharawna.

Sharawna, on hunger strike for more than 30 days, was released by Israel in October last year among other prisoners following a swap deal with Hamas Movement, but later in January of the current year it re-detained him again.

During the sit-in on Monday, the families held pictures of prisoner Sharawna along with others of their relatives in Israeli jails as well as banners condemning the re-arrest of ex-detainees who were released as part of the Egyptian-brokered deal.

Director of the prisoner society Amjad Annajjar held the Israeli government fully responsible for the life of prisoner Sharawna after his health condition deteriorated very badly.

Annajjar appealed to Egypt, the mediator in the swap deal, to pressure Israel to stop its violation of its agreement with the Palestinian side and end its re-arrest of ex-detainees released in the exchange deal.


A journal published by Adalah, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel and Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights | June 26, 2012

“On Torture” is an edited volume of essays by Palestinian, Israeli and international legal and medical experts and practitioners based on presentations that they gave during a workshop held in Jerusalem in April 2011 entitled, “Securing Accountability for Torture and Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment (CIDT) in Israel: New Trends and Comparative Lessons”.

The essayists explore the history of torture in Israel, the daily challenges that practitioners face in seeking accountability for torture and CIDT in Israel, and the changing face of torture.


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