Yahoo! launches new browser for PC, iOS with built in search prediction, syncing

Yahoo! has joined the browser game with Axis, a new internet browser that aims to redefine search.

What makes Axis different from other mobile browsers and Google’s Chrome (which recently overtook IE to become the most used browser in the world according to StatCounter), Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Mozilla’s Firefox and Apple’s Safari is its built-in search prediction capabilities and across-the-board content syncing.

“Our search strategy is predicated on two core beliefs — one, that people want answers, not links and two, that consumer-facing search is ripe for innovative disruption,” said Shashi Seth, senior vice president, Connections, Yahoo! Inc. “With Axis, we have re-defined and re-architected the search and browse experience from the ground up.”

As users enter their search, Axis returns visual results (thumbnail sized web pages) which dynamically change as the user refines his or her search. Google uses a similar predictive feature in its search engine. When people start typing search queries it shows a list of possible expanded text-based results which change as the user types.

“Axis gives people instant answers and visual previews so they can continuously discover and explore content without interruption,” explained Yahoo. “Axis’ sleek design keeps people moving forward rather than constantly returning to a page of endless blue links. Once on a search results site, Axis also lets people simply swipe or click to the next result.”

Axis also makes it easy for users to start browsing with one device and continue with another —  a feature that Google also recently implemented for people who search while signed into its Chrome browser.

Axis is available as a standalone browser on iOS and as a browser plug-in that works with Firefox 7+, Safari v5+, Internet Explorer 9 and all versions of Chrome.

Yahoo!’s Axis browser arrives as the technology blogs discuss new rumors about Microsoft’s Office Suite launching on both the iPad and the iPhone in November. BGR reports that “Microsoft is currently planning to release the company’s full Office suite for not only Apple’s iPad, but for Android tablets as well.”

Today Google also took the wraps of an updated Google Search app for iOS that features a completely redesigned interface, faster search results, beautiful full-screen image search and easier Google Apps access.

You can see a demo of Yahoo!’s Axis here:

The iOS version of Axis is available as a free download here:!-axis-a-search-browser/id506520874?ls=%201mt=8

The desktop plug-in can be downloaded from:

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