Pelosi: ‘My Religion Compels Me’ to Favor Gay Marriage

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Christopher Goins of has noted a reporter asked House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: “Many of the people that are opposed to gay marriage cite their religion as the reason why they’re opposed. You’re a Catholic that supports gay marriage. Do you believe that religion and the idea that you can support gay marriage can be separated? And how do you grapple with the idea that you support gay marriage as a Catholic?”

Pelosi responded: “My religion has, compels me–and I love it for it–to be against discrimination of any kind in our country, and I consider this a form of discrimination. I think it’s unconstitutional on top of that. “

Pelosi spoke glowingly of the comments President Barack Obama made Wednesday when he said he supported same-sex marriage. “So I think that yesterday was a great day for America because the president in a very personal, as well as presidential way, made history, and hopefully this will bring people together on the issue,” Pelosi said. To read more, including the actual Catholic teaching, go to

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