Photographer angry at Katter ads

The photographer who took pictures used in Bob Katter’s controversial advertisement about gay marriage says he’s not happy they’ve been used in a political context.

Mr Katter’s Australia Party launched the television ads on Sunday in a bid to paint the centre right Liberal National Party leader Campbell Newman as a hypocrite for supporting gay marriage.

It asks how well voters know Mr Newman and features him repeating the words: “I support gay marriage.”

It also features a couple of images of two shirtless men.

But the man who took the images, French photographer Franck Camhi, says he will try to stop his pictures being used.

“I did not know about it. That is not the use for them,” Mr Camhi told Fairfax newspapers.

“I am against the use of it personally and if I can stop it I will.”

Mr Camhi said he sold the pictures via an online image library and had not been aware of the controversy they’d caused in Australia.

Equal rights campaigner Phil Browne on Monday lodged a complaint with the Advertising Standards Bureau, labelling the ad as “vile”.

“The ad uses fear and hate to target homosexuals, an oppressed minority group,” Mr Browne said in his complaint.

“This is vile and unacceptable.”

Federal opposition frontbencher Malcolm Turnbull labelled the ad a homophobic “shocker” on Monday night.

Mr Newman told reporters in Brisbane it was “immaterial” that he supported gay marriage but his party didn’t.

But Mr Katter’s party has said it won’t remove the ads.

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