Pippa Middleton thought gun waving incident was ‘all just a joke’

He told the Daily Mail: “Pippa is a very good friend of mine and this gun
affair is very silly. It was a children’s toy that the driver had in his
car. Pippa thought it was funny. It is fine in France to do that and the
police are not investigating.

“In France there is no problem, just in England. You English think there
is a problem, which is crazy.

“I have spoken with Pippa, she thinks this is all a joke and a funny
game. We were just having a laugh. We are funny people, it’s what we do.

“The paparazzo saw the toy and he knew it was a toy, he has said so. You
English need to get over it. It was just a joke that has been blown out of
all proportion.”

Meanwhile, Mr Rabillard was named by The Sun as the man pictured waving the
gun about. The newspaper reported that the 36-year-old, who works for a US
law firm, is a regular on the party circuit, and lives in a £2,000-a-month
penthouse near his office on the Champs Elysees.

He was not available for comment last night, The Sun reported. A friend said: “He
is lying low.”

France has strict gun laws and is on a heightened security alert after an
Islamic terrorist, Mohammed Merah, used a .45 calibre Colt pistol to murder
seven people in the south west of the country last month.

In the incident involving Miss Middleton, as a freelance photographer took
pictures from behind the car, the driver produced what appeared to be a
semi-automatic pistol and closed one eye as he stared down the barrel at the

Under French law, anyone who “threatens” another with a real or fake weapon
can face a prison sentence of five years.

Pictures of the incident taken by a bystander have reportedly been handed to
the judicial police, who must decide whether to alert an examining

If a magistrate presses ahead with an inquiry, Miss Middleton and the other
three people in the car could all face questioning.

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