Piven: ‘Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Anarchists Can Transform America’

The Lonely Conservative
March 25, 2012

At a meeting of leftists, Frances Fox Piven discussed the Occupy movement and how it’s made up of Democrats, Socialists, Communists and Anarchists. She said they all must work together to transform America.

At last weekend’s Left Forum 2012, the annual pep-rally for liberal thought, renown leftist professor and activist Frances Fox Piven shown some light onto the makeup of the current America Left. In this minute of audio, Piven tells the packed auditorium which worldview philosophies embody their movement:

“There is room for all of us. Religious leftists, people who think peace is the answer, those who think that wholesome food is what we really need, ecologists and old-fashioned Democrats, Democratic Socialists, Socialists and Communists.”

Piven goes on to discuss the major undertaking that the leftist movement is working on and why these ideologies must unite:

“We can work together because we have a really huge task before us, transforming America and the World.” (Read More)

That’s the American left for you – socialists, anarchists and commies. It’s a shame you never hear any of this from the national media. Oh yeah, they’re fellow travelers.

If you’re unfamiliar with Frances Fox Piven, read all about her plan to manufacture crisis and overwhelm the system.

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28 Responses to “Piven: ‘Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Anarchists Can Transform America’”

  1. The media is at the forefront of the greatest lie in history. We, as a people must step back and ask ourselves these questions:
    Why is it that the only people in society today that can be “Racist” are White?
    Why is it encouraged for any race but the White race to have pride in their race?
    Why are we, as White people having “Diversity” forced upon us, in all White countries and only White countries?
    What is happening is not by chance, it is by design.
    Anti-Racist is a codeword for Anti-White.

  2. It will probably be necessary to let more than a little leftist blood. In fact a great deal.

    Death to Tyrants and traitors !

    • The question is. Will the Patriots, the defenders of Freedom, have the stomach for it?

  3. They already have the red shirted Obomba Youth raising their fists in the air in military formation.
    Now they will merge with the red shirted KONY KIDS who do the same.
    It’s that Ashkanazi Jewish hag’s wet dream

  4. It is possible to be a people who think peace is the answer, who think that wholesome food is what we really need, ecologists, and not be a left wing liberal socialist/communist?

  5. People such as Piven are exposing themselves completely, as complete tools. Occupy also has dedicated people, let’s hope they become the majority and kick the asses of these weak “protesters” out or educate their brainwashed minds.

  6. Please follow along

    1913 – Federal Reserve (private bank) created
    1914 – WWI Starts
    11/11/18 @ 11:11 GMT WWI not ended, but an Armistice
    (fast forward)
    9/11/1991 – Daddy Bush speaks of a ‘Real chance at a New World Order’
    9/11/2001- Junior Bush gets his ‘chance’
    11 years of ‘prep’ for a world on edge about Terrorism
    11 years of war on Terrorism
    2008 -Obama
    Council of Governors created (10) covering 9 of 10 FEMA regions (FEMA V region not covered by Governor)
    NDAA Passed by Congress waiting Pres.’s signature (11/11)
    Gov’t puts out contracts to prepare and staff ‘FEMA Camps’ (11/11)
    Dec. 31, 2012 – Obama signs NDAA
    Jan-March 2012 – Sec. of Defense Panetta tells Congress Executive Branch owns the Military and runs it by U.N./NATO orders (told Congress is now militarily ceremonial). Anti ‘protest’ bill passes squashing First Amendment. Executive Order National Defense Recourses Preparedness (not numbered) is signed March 16, 2012 (3-16-12) by Obama detailing Exec. Ord. 12919 (Clinton FEMA order 1994) and more. 3-16-12 United States Constitution, Congress, and Supreme Court officially made ceremonial by this Exec. Ord. authorized in “peacetime“ (anytime). Same week FEMA Corps introduced. Same week a one year order for Homeland Security for 450,000,000 (450 Million) rounds of .40 cal. ammunition is contracted (with 5 year extension on the contract for more if needed).
    Late May 2012 – G8 (ALL world leaders invited (U.N.) and NATO summit to be held in Chicago, ILL. (FEMA region V) at the same time. G8 moved to Camp David (fortified, secure, private Presidential Compound).

    I feel things have been set up for a test run (false flag) somewhere around May of 2012. One year from now FEMA Corps is supposed to be at full capacity/strength/operational, 450 Million .40 Cal rounds should have been delivered to Homeland Security.

    Scenario: Severe racial tensions (civil unrest) in U.S. over Trevon Martin out of Florida stew for the next 7 weeks and the system gets one final ‘check’ with NATO hunkered down in FEMA Region V (Chicago) in ‘command’ and the world leaders ’commanding’ in Camp David late May of 2012. (Possible reason to cancel elections in U.S.)

    World tensions/economy continue to stretch for about another year or so. But nothing ’major’ happens because final preparations are still taking place and the storyline being fulfilled.

    2013 A biological is ‘released’ somehow/somewhere and the world goes on alert (survival of mankind issue). Full power of Executive Order National Defense Recourses Preparedness is enacted. U.N/NATO troops stationed/trained/prepared on U.S. soil used, FEMA FEMA Corps (civilians) used, combat trained/supplied local cops used, mandatory (forced) check ups/round ups with shoot to kill orders (450 Millions rounds .40 cal. ammo (side arms)) for anyone not ’playing ball’ because of the fast spread and high death rate of said biological. ((Read National Defense Recourses Preparedness. Bio/chem ONLY thing mentioned by name. NOT nuclear or general warfare))

    The Federal Reserve was created in 1913. WWI started in 1914. We are now in the 99th anniversary of the Federal Reserve and 98th anniversary of the start of WWI. Was/is there a ‘100 year’ goal for the complete topple of the Republic of the United States (dissolution of the Constitution) leading to a possible ‘100 year’ goal of the official One World Government? They love their numbers and their dates. Georgia Guidstones # 1 – World population at around 500, 000,000 (500Million)

    • Well that is interesting but we must remember who is in charge and it is not the globalists it is our Father in heaven. The false christ arrives first to heal the mortal wound suffered by the one world system with what? The second beast the religious beast and who will there be remaining who is able to stand against this flood of religious lies? The elect of Jesus Christ.

      Wait for the true Jesus Christ who shed His blood for you.


      • Yeah,,, Sit and wait…….
        Get off you knees get on your feet and take charge of your destiny !!!
        God and prayer are important but …
        God helps they who help themselves.

  7. Hey.. they have the floor right now. Kinda like the pedophile uncle you neva had. Who’s black heart did Cheney get? This is a sick, unhealthy world. Getting sicker by the minute. I heard a “comedien” Patten Oswalt was his name.. a big fat libitard (several yrs ago). He said when Bush was pres he felt like he lived in an “uipside down” world. That’s the plan you fat fu*k. Doesn’t mater what master you serve.. they all suck.

  8. Who,s behind the worlds transformation?
    Look to Rome!

  9. Interesting the parodies between Nazi Germany just before the war. How Germany was one of the most liberal countrys in Europe as far as accepting the homosexuals and their filthy,gross repugnant manuer lifestyle. And in the end it was Hitlers plan to get the sodomites cockroaches to come out of the wood work,so he could find out who they were and round them up and exterminate them. Well I am just saying this so that all you in the morally deprived gay community dont forget to go out and get your marrage licenses,ok boys? : )

    • Randy, you sound like a real piece of shit.

      • Pinko.. You ARE a big piece of sh*t.

      • It is not the way of the Constitution (or God) to round up and murder homosexuals. It is the way of the Constitution (and God) to repress and not accept immorality, and homosexuality IS immorality. Hate the sin, not the person.

    • Hey Randy – I’ve read quite a bit that Hitler was homosexually active himself, and that he recruited homosexuals as well. They just rounded up the effeminate ones. I watched an interview with a Congressman’s wife who said over the span of her husbands career, one constant was that the more power the men obtained, the more sexually debauched they became. Hence today’s child sex trafficking to the powerhouses thanks to CPS the CIA, and the butt bumping camp in Sonoma County, otherwise known as Bo Grove.

      • I think they gain power from it somehow from incorporating homosexuality in their occult rituals. Aleister Crowley used to brag all the time about raping little boys. The more they do it the more demon possessed they become. I think it gives the demons possessing them more power to operate somehow. High level occultism and homosexuality always go hand in hand.

    • Always good comments, RANDY WILSON. Homosexuality actually DEFILES the land. It curses the land itself. “As it was in the days of Lot….”

  10. Really people who want money out of politics, wave signs that are anti New World Order and pro Ron Paul signs saying “End the Fed” in zombie make up work for the Democrats. I seen enough on YouTube where they tell supporters of Occupy Wall Street to not fall for the Dems trying to steal the movement like the Republicans did to the Tea Party. Hopefully they don’t fall victim to this propaganda and think the Dems care about them at all.

  11. Yeah, roasting in hell…you fucking ‘child’.

    Where’s the ‘Judge Not’ part of your made up, banker/elite designed, control the feeble minded, braindead belief system of brainwashing ?

    • What do the morally deprived have to offer,more of what we are seeing.Thousands of people saw Jesus Christ heal the sick and raise the dead,accounts written by Roman politicians and soldiers. Go crawl back under the manuer pile,oh thats right you like manuer,

      • 7 Roman historians – one being Flavius Josephus all documented the account of Jesus’s existence. There’s more proof Jesus existed than Napolean.

        • r/e The Christian mythos.

          No literate person of Christ’s own time mentioned him in any known writing. Philo, a Jewish historian and philosopher, lived from 20 BCE – 50 CE was silent on the subject. Nor are Jesus and his followers mentioned by any of the 40 or so historians who wrote during those times.

          All in all, there are four non-Biblical records of Jesus used by Christian apologists to document Christ’s historicity. All other references come from those who designed the religion and are not verifiable at all.

          Flavius Josephus (37 – c. 100) is the most famous Jewish historian. He lived during the first century and lived in Jerusalem at the same time as Pilate. In all his works, there is no mention of Paul and the Christians, and only two paragraphs relating to Jesus. Both these paragraphs have been dismissed as forgeries. And anyway, he was born after Jesus’ supposed death, so he couldn’t have known anything other than by second hand.

          Pliny the Younger (62-113 CE) is another reference, he is supposed to have written the word “Christians” in a letter to Trajan. But the validity of this letter is in question, and even if the letter is genuine, the Christian forgers probably changed the word “Essenes” into “Christian”.

          Tacitus (55-120 CE) like Pliny did not live during Christ’s lifetime, so his writings would have been hearsay. Tertullian, a most zealous defender of the faith, who quoted Tacitus extensively, never mentioned the passage in Tacitus’ works, nor does any other writer before the 15th century.

          Suetonius (69-140 CE) is held up as evidence by Christians, as there is a passage in this Roman historian’s works mentioning someone named “Chrestus” or “Chrestos” at Rome. However, Christ was never alleged to have been in Rome, so that doesn’t work either.

          These paragraphs were freely adopted from a book The Christ Conspiracy – The Greatest Story Ever Sold/i, by Acharya S. In this book are many other references regarding the cross relationships between Christianity and other savior myths in ancient history.

  12. Even when I was like-14 I knew “anarchy” was stooopit.

    • Good example: Walmart just before Xmas late night shopping begins for the “BIG SALE ITEMS”…
      …Looks like the start of a moto-x race !

  13. But all the Botex in the world couldn’t transform you into something not ugly as f-ck.
    Look at that psychotic old bitch…..she’s going to be roasting in hell soon.

  14. “…Democrats, Socialists, Communists and Anarchists.”

    Eggzactly. The Anarchists are on the extreme left. They believe that once the NWO has total control and can socially engineer the world’s population to be what it should be, there will be no further use for government and everyone will just know how to behave with no further need for written law.

    Whew! At least we’ve got that settled. When the lion lays down with the lamb, I’d still rather be a lion.

    • Oh, I forgot. Anyone with a name like Francis Fox Pivin might be mistaken for an upstanding White Yankee from Connecticut or somewhere, however:

      “Piven was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, of Russian Jewish immigrant parents.” WIKI

      Surprise surprise.

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