Polar bear shatters enclosure’s glass in zoo as visitors watch on in horror

Sara Malm

12:05 EST, 9 June 2012


07:27 EST, 10 June 2012

Two tourists were caught by surprise at Rotterdam Zoo when a polar bear threw a large rock at the thick glass separating the animal’s enclosure from the pair causing it to crack and nearly shatter.

The two visitors were captured on film admiring the polar bear swimming around through the pane of glass when the rock appears out of nowhere.

Luckily, the pane of glass separating the visitors from their swimming pool was strong enough not to shatter.
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The polar bear greets the visitors through the glass as the camera starts to roll

The polar bear greets the visitors through the glass as the camera starts to roll

The polar bear, named Vicks, is known among the
staff at the Dutch zoo for playing with rocks and have said that they
doubt it was a desperate bid for freedom, but rather an unfortunate
accident which happened while Vicks was playing.

It may have been a stunt by Vicks to get back into the limelight.

When he was born in December 2010 he became a national
celebrity as 420,000 people watched the early
months of his life on a webcam feed in his darkened maternity den.

The polar bear, named Vicks, swims away from the glass

The polar bear, named Vicks, swims away from the glass

He got his unusual name after the company, which produces cold and flu medicine, adopted him as a cub.

The arctic beast has been relocated to a different pen while the glass is repaired.

Staff at Rotterdam have assured
visitors that it will be completely safe to visit the polar bear enclosure
once the pane is replaced.

As if trying to break out of captivity, Vicks throws a large rock at the thick glass, the visitors are still unaware

As if trying to break out of captivity, Vicks throws a large rock at the thick glass, the visitors are still unaware

As the rock hits the glass it shatters but fortunately for the two startled men, the glass is thick enough not to break

As the rock hits the glass it shatters but fortunately for the two startled men, the glass is thick enough not to break

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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This zoo, called Blijdorp, (meaning happy village) is one of the zoo’s I’ll never go to again. Been their for the last time about 6 years ago, found a hippo in a cage not bigger then herself, crocodiles had to swim over each other, and the place you see in this article, the underwater tunnel, is so full, it’s just a pain to watch. Literally all the animals are stressed in this zoo. Actually, the only way I’m watching these exotic animals is at a safari park, where they have the space and surroundings made identically to their nature.

See they’re not stupid! Never underestimate another animals intelligence!!!

See they’re not stupid! Never underestimate another animals intelligence!!!

Enough is enough. Its time to rid the earth of this hideous creatures!!!

I agree with all the comments decrying keeping animals captive. But, if things don’t change drastically, soon it may be the only place left for them. Think on it.

The headline says that the glass shattered, whereas in the article it says it doesn’t.
Poor reporting.
Poor animal too….

do you think the polar bear is trying to tell us something?mmm?

Ridiculous ! Hasn’t anyone told this polar bear that “people who live in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones” ? …. 🙂

I know this will not be a popular comment, but to me, this is why we should try as much as is humanly possible, to leave animals in their natural environment and yes, close these exhibitions. No matter how well they are designed, they never duplicate the animal’s natural territory and this is why this incredible beast is lashing out.

I like how those two people just stand here gawking at it. If that tank had broken, it wouldn’t have been a good experience for them to have that much water flooding on them.

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