Ed Balls: MoS survey reveals he’s ‘untrustworthy and an opportunist’

  • Survey shows public has more faith in economic policies of David Cameron and George Osborne than those of Ed Miliband and Ed Balls
  • Four in ten people believe Labour must take more responsibility for the recession, while nearly half say the Shadow Chancellor is not likeable
  • Growing concern in Labour’s high command at its failure to win more public support

Brendan Carlin

16:43 EST, 9 June 2012


07:40 EST, 10 June 2012


Ambitious: Ed Balls has made efforts to soften his bruiser image

Ambitious: Ed Balls has made efforts to soften his bruiser image

Politics is often described as showbusiness for ugly people – but few MPs have taken the saying to heart as much as Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls.

He has secretly commissioned private polling at a cost of thousands of pounds to find out how voters are reacting to him and his economic policies.

Embarrassingly, Labour Party sources say the polling results show that Mr Balls is still seen as a turn-off by many, both politically and personally.

A spokesman for Mr Balls denied claims about the results – but refused to give any more details of what the polling had uncovered.

So The Mail on Sunday commissioned its own survey – and it showed that Mr Balls is seen as ‘uninspiring, untrustworthy and unlikeable’.

And despite the double-dip recession, the public have more faith in the economic policies of David Cameron and George Osborne than those of Mr Balls and Ed Miliband, albeit by a tiny margin.

The Survation survey clearly indicates that Mr Balls must admit his role in making a mess of the UK’s economy as a senior member of the Labour Government of Gordon Brown.

Four in ten people said Labour must accept more responsibility for the recession, against one in four who disagreed.

The Tory lead is all the more surprising given that calls by Mr Miliband and Mr Balls for Government policy to focus more on fostering economic growth have been echoed by international leaders.

But it is Mr Balls’s personal ratings that are most worrying for him.

A total of 44 per cent say he is an opportunist, with only 19 per cent describing him as principled.

Nearly one in two say that he is not charismatic, against 13 per cent who think he is.

And 48 per cent say he is not likeable, compared with 17 per cent who believe he is.

Opposition: Calls by Ed Miliband and Ed Balls for Government policy to focus more on fostering economic growth have been echoed by international leaders

Opposition: Calls by Ed Miliband and Ed Balls for Government policy to focus more on fostering economic growth have been echoed by international leaders

The results are almost identical when voters are asked if they can trust Mr Balls.


The Tories have fallen to a 14-point deficit behind Labour, according to an opinion poll released today.

The survey, carried out by pollsters Angus Reid for The Sunday Express, puts Labour on 43 per cent, with David Cameron’s party on 29 per cent.

The Tories’ coalition partners, the Liberal Democrats are on just 9 per cent, the same as Nigel Farage’s UK Independence Party.

Labour’s lead over the Tories is the biggest since December 2002, when Tony Blair was Prime Minister and Iain Duncan Smith led the Conservative Party.

And almost one in two say they have no idea what his policies are, compared with one in five who say they do.

Asked who they trusted to lead Britain out of recession, 29 per cent of those polled chose Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne, with 28 per cent favouring Mr Miliband and Mr Balls.

Despite losing to Ed Miliband in the Labour leadership contest in 2010, Mr Balls remains fiercely ambitious and has made considerable efforts to soften his political bruiser image in recent months.

He admitted to crying while watching the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow and has talked about his love of cooking.

Only last week he tweeted: ‘Did a v good prune armagnac sponge pudding this evening from the excellent Dan Lepard baking book Short And Sweet.’

Mr Balls’s office refused to confirm reports that the private polling is being carried out by the Labour pollster Deborah Mattinson, who performed the same role for Mr Balls’s mentor, Mr Brown, with largely the same negative results.

The disclosure comes amid growing concern in Labour’s high command at its failure to win more public support for its economic policies.

Several senior Labour figures used a recent Shadow Cabinet meeting to complain at the party’s failure to win more backing for its attack on the Coalition’s ‘austerity Britain’ approach.

The move was seen as a coded attack on Mr Balls.

Denied: Labour sources people are losing faith with Chancellor George Osborne

Denied: Labour claim people are losing faith with Chancellor George Osborne

One Shadow Minister told The Mail on Sunday: ‘When the economy is in a mess and George Osborne is widely seen as arrogant and lightweight, Labour should be doing much better.

‘On most issues we are way ahead of the Tories, but we struggle on the economy. Ed Balls must take responsibility for that.’

Mr Balls’s spokesman said last night: ‘Every political party does private research and polling. But given how important the economy is as an issue, Ed’s office has raised funds in order that the Labour Party can do extra research on the economy.’

He declined to say where the money had come from or how much the polling had cost.

Later, Labour Party sources denied the private polling was bad news for the Shadow Chancellor.

One said: ‘Our research shows that, with the economy pushed into a double-dip recession, people are increasingly losing faith with David Cameron and George Osborne’s economic strategy.

‘Clearly, we still have a long way to go to regain economic trust, but we are making good progress and people are starting to open their ears to Labour’s call for a plan for jobs and growth as part of a balanced plan to get the deficit down.’

Survation interviewed 500 people online on Friday.

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Not surprised. Deserves the title “muttering idiot”. This country cannot tolerate another bout of Labour. Surely the Civil Service mandarins, or even the Monarch should be allowed to disband this destructive political machine and make it an illegal operation.

“showbusiness for ugly people” My eyes tell me this mostly is true for the Labour bunch.

god help us if ed balls ever got to be priminister what have we done to deserve that

two words, “fat oaf”

balls could predict the country would be in a mess because he knew what a terrible mess they had left this country in !
– Mary, Hampshire uk, 10/6/2012 19:03
If Gordon Brown left us in such a mess then why do the Consevatives keep giving Billions and Billions and Billions of tax payers money away. Please, Mary, Can you tell me as no-one seems to know.Look forward to what you have to say.

he is balls and he talks balls. thats why.

He could have saved thousands by coming to see me. I could have told him why nobody likes him………for FREE!
– Bemused, Bedford UK, 9/6/2012 23:39
surely, not for free – he’ll only claim it in expenses.

balls could predict the country would be in a mess because he knew what a terrible mess they had left this country in !

Simon Somerset- In all the years Labour were in power did not choose to regulate and enjoyed the fruits of the markets when they were up and yet still continued to borrow! Clinton forced banks in the USA to relax lending creating the sub prime mortgages and everyone knows where that led the world. You are a few decades behind.

Miliband and Balls are CLOWNS how can anyone VOTE for them? Unless you work for the Public Sector and are trying to hang on to your UNSUSTAINABLE TAX PAYERS FUNDED PENSIONS.
– Happy Harry, La La Land, 10/6/2012 18:32
Me thinks your jealous

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