Police call for witnesses over Taser death

Police have released photographs of men who spoke to a Brazilian student in the lead-up to his death in Sydney in March.

Roberto Laudisio Curti, 21, died on March 18 after police tasered him up to three times on Pitt Street in Sydney’s CBD.

Detectives from the Homicide Squad are investigating his death on behalf of the NSW State Coroner and are looking for anyone who saw or interacted with Mr Curti before he died.

In particular, they want to speak to several men who interacted with him on George Street, Sydney, about 5am (AEST) on March 18.

Detectives released photos on the men on Saturday in the hope they might recognise themselves, police said.

Officers would also like to hear from anyone who might know who the men are.

Anyone who has any information should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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