Police Respond to ET Sighting at Port Coquitlam, Canada

ET SightingPolice are used to going on strange calls, but one incident early Monday morning in Port Coquitlam could be fit for The X-Files, or perhaps Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Coquitlam Mounties responded to a call of a man and a woman screaming from their apartment on Wilson Avenue.

When police arrived, the couple told investigators they had seen two “non-human entities” on their patio.

Several Mounties scoured the area in search of the spirited suspects, but turned up nothing.

RCMP Cpl. Jamie Chung said there was no indication drugs or alcohol were involved in the incident, nor could he say whether or not the couple really believed they saw something other than a human.

“Anything is possible, I guess,” he told The NOW. “People see ghosts all the time – who am I to say ghosts don’t exist?”

Chung sent out this tweet Monday morning regarding the incident: “Strange but true. #cqrcmp went to a report of ET sighting in #PortCoquitlam in the early morning. Area searched and no aliens found.”

Chung added it is possible the sighting could have been an attempted break-in, so police treated the call seriously to make sure it wasn’t anything more nefarious.

Though he suggested the call was unusual, he said if residents do see anything suspicious in their neighbourhood, Mounties are glad to check it out to ensure everything is safe.

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