Police search Queensland lake for woman

Police have begun an extensive search of the Lake Moogerah area west of the Gold Coast for missing Beechmont woman Tina Greer.

Water police, the dive squad, foot patrols and officers on horseback began sweeping the area on Thursday.

Over the next few days the teams will scour the lake, which covers more than 800 hectares, and surrounding bush.

A caravan park, cabin accommodation, and a number of camping areas and adventure camps for schools and youth groups are scattered around the fringes of the lake.

Brisbane Grammar School also owns the Pepperina Hill Campsite on the southern shore.

A search two weeks ago of cliffs and creeks around the Governor’s Chair lookout in the nearby Spicer’s Gap state forest proved fruitless.

Ms Greer was last seen in the Beechmont area at 2pm (AEST) on Wednesday, January 18, when she left the Gold Coast for the Aratula area near Lake Moogerah.

Her maroon 2003 Commodore with a distinctive gold Chevrolet badge on the front grille was found parked at the Governor’s Chair lookout on January 22.

Police want anyone who visited the lookout between January 18 and 22, or any bushwalkers who were in the area at that time, to call them, even if they don’t think they have any information that could help the inquiry.

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