Politically inclined cat seeking election to the U.S. Senate

Republicans hope to regain control of the narrowly divided U.S. Senate this year, and the open seat in Virginia plays heavily into their strategic plans. But a new candidate in the race threatens to shake things up, complicating both Democratic and Republican efforts to win control: Hank the Cat.

Hank’s campaign manager, Matthew O’Leary, describes the candidate’s political leanings as Republican even though the cat is running as a political independent.

“He feels as an independent that he can offer people real solutions without all the rhetoric and all of the hateful speech,” explained O’Leary.

Hank the Cat’s political opponents are taking the challenge seriously. Former Governor George Allen (R) recently welcomed Hank to the race via a tweet, and announced that his own campaign’s cat coalition will be co-chaired by a cat named Cisco.

According to a recent Roanoake College poll of the race for Virginia U.S. Senate, Allen leads former Governor Tim Kaine (D) by a 45 to 37 margin. Hank the Cat pulls in exactly 0% of the vote, though astute political observers note that Hank’s poor showing was a result of his not being included in the poll.

Though Hank has positions on a number of different issues, it appears his most important policy plank is his support of the Fairfax County Humane Society. The cat’s campaign has raised about $250 for the charity to date.

Tecca is staying neutral in the race, of course. We encourage Virginians to read up on the issues at Hank the Cat’s Facebook fan page. You can also follow Hank on Twitter (@Hank4Senate) and request bumper stickers at HankForSenate, the official campaign website.


This article was written by Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca

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