Postmen ‘spy’ for address database: They will record position of every home and business in the country

  • Royal Mail could sell information to firms like Google

Sean Poulter

18:59 EST, 17 July 2012


19:02 EST, 17 July 2012

Postmen are being turned into hi-tech spies by the Royal Mail under a scheme that will see them record the position of every address in the country.

They will patrol streets using a satellite location device to capture the precise longitude, latitude and altitude of each home and business.

In future, the Royal Mail could sell the information to firms such as Google to improve mapping services.

Spies: Postmen will soon begin recording the position of every home address in the UK

Spies: Postmen will soon begin recording the position of every home address in the UK

In theory, car satnavs and smart phones would be able to guide users to the precise doorstep they are looking for and the police and other emergency services would be able to get to an address more quickly.

The plans will conjure concerns first triggered by Google with its controversial Street View service.

Cameras on Google cars captured sometimes intrusive images of homes and computers installed in the vehicles tapped into home and business wi-fi systems to collect personal information stored on computers.

Google is under investigation by the Information Commissioner over allegations that it covered up details of the collection of personal information.

By contrast, Royal Mail’s system does not capture images or personal information.

Worries: The plans will conjure concerns first triggered by Google with its Street View service, which is under investigation by the Information Commissioner over claims it covered up details of the collection of personal information

Worries: The plans will conjure concerns first triggered by Google with its Street View service, which is under investigation by the Information Commissioner over claims it covered up details of the collection of personal information

A trial in East Anglia was launched this week, with postmen being sent out with the hi-tech mapping devices which look like cameras or binoculars.

Royal Mail said the new technology offers an advance on the traditional system of postcodes, street names and house numbers.

The organisation sees the vast new database that will be created as a potential money-maker for them.

Royal Mail said: ‘With mail volumes in decline, it is important that Royal Mail continues to expand its range of trusted services.’

The scheme has the backing of postmen and the Communication Workers Union, which initially was worried about the public reaction.

A spokesman said: ‘We believe Royal Mail is the best organisation to capture and maintain address data – it should improve the existing delivery point database and enhance the postcode address file which is managed by Royal Mail.’

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It will be no surprise where ours is…………………..It’s been here almost 500 years already.

Years ago a colleague took the time to ride around the rural area we served in the Ambulance service and identified each and every house and farm and made a book of the results which was distributed to every vehicle. Even the control room used “Norman’s Maps” to fine tune locations. RIP Norman Barker and thanks.

Why bother as Royal Mail won’t exist in a few years anyway. They do everything to destroy their place in the market. Which is the plan of course then the Government have got rid of another responsibility. Wanted to rent a PO Box from them but they won’t accept mail from another carrier – eh how stupid is that!!

I live on a relatively new small estate which did not appear on the OS (Ordnance Survey) map. Some time ago, a guy from OS came round to take GPS readings in the garden, mapping out the plot, in order to put the estate on the next issue of maps. Surely this is more accurate than the postman?

If this would stop dyslexic postmen from delivering mail to the wrong addresses then I am all for it, but paying due diligence to your job would be less costly. What wondrous device will they use to locate you and deliver your mail to you when you pay the postal service to forward your mail to your new address and presently they get it wrong?

This is not spying, it is using information open to anyone who can use an OS map. A long overdue move would be for post codes to be replaced with precise longitude/latitude grid references. This would enable couriers and even ambulances using sat nav to actually find an address and stop companies claiming a post code does not exist even when it has been re checked by Royal Mail.

They were in my town doing this last week, i dont see the problem, they are NOT taking photos, they are simply helping to improve mapping. If they sell the information and can keep their costs down, so what?

That will be about as acurate as their delivery service then??

A total non-story. My neighbours know the position of my house – should that scare me then?

It will only be used for working out deliveries of mass marketing junk mail , which were all sick off already .

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