Pro-Russians defy Kiev ultimatum

Tensions are escalating in eastern Ukraine as pro-Russia protesters show no sign of complying with a government ultimatum to leave occupied buildings.

The country’s interim government had given the pro-Russian protesters until 9 am local time (06:00 GMT) to lay down their arms and evacuate occupied buildings in the eastern city of Slavyansk.

Ukrainian authorities have threatened that if the protesters do not meet the deadline, an “anti-terrorist” operation, with the participation of army forces, would be launched to end the ongoing protests in the country’s eastern cities.

According to reports from Slavyansk, pro-Russian activists were reinforcing the barricades outside the two occupied state buildings, namely the police headquarters and the offices of the state security service.

The developments come a day after security forces launched a security operation against the protesters in the city. Clashes between the two sides left at least three people dead.

Slavyansk is not the only town demanding a referendum and unification with Russia. In Donetsk, too, protesters have been holding the regional police headquarters since Saturday.

Pro-Russia protesters have also seized control of state buildings in a number of other cities, including Kharkiv, Luhansk and Mikolayev.

Rallies gained momentum after Crimea declared independence from Ukraine and formally applied to become part of the Russian Federation following a referendum on March 16, in which nearly 97 percent of the participants voted for joining Russia, with a turnout of more than 83 percent.

On March 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law documents that officially made Crimea part of the Russian territory despite condemnation from the West and the new Ukrainian government.

The move sparked angry reactions from the US and the European Union, both imposing sanctions against Russia and Crimea.


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