Prosecutor: Plea deals set in Fla. A&M hazing case

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — A prosecutor says two defendants accused of hazing a Florida AM University band member are expected to plead guilty to lesser charges.

Assistant State Attorney Stefanie Walters says they’ll be appearing in court Thursday with a third defendant, whose case is expected to be delayed.

Walters says medical records did not support felony hazing charges that require proof of serious bodily injury.

Police say fellow band members beat Bria Shante Hunter on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1.

Aaron Golson and Sean Hobson, initially charged with felonies, are expected to plead guilty to misdemeanor hazing. Further negotiations are expected in the case of James Harris.

Golson also is one of 11 former band members charged with felony hazing in the Nov. 19 death of drum major Robert Champion in Orlando.

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