Public servant nominated for Asia Bank

The federal government has nominated public servant Anthony Baker for a three-year term as an executive director of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) from November.

Mr Baker would replace Phil Bowen, who served in the position from April 2007 until July this year.

Australia has been a member of the ADB since it was set up in 1966 to assist the economic and social development of countries of the Asia and Pacific region.

Treasurer Wayne Swan said if the nomination was accepted Mr Baker would have a constituency within the bank including Australia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Georgia, Hong Kong, Kiribati, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu.

Mr Baker is an experienced commonwealth public servant who has held various senior executive positions with the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Department of Housing and Department of Finance and Administration.

Mr Baker has been chief of staff for current and former Australian ministers for finance and deregulation since 2007.

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