Putin sworn in as Russian president

Putin took oath before some 2,000 guests at the Kremlin’s St Andrew Hall in Moscow on Monday, and officially took office from Dmitry Medvedev, who is expected later in the week to take on Putin’s job as prime minister.

The 59-year-old politician served as president for two consecutive terms from 2000 to 2008 and worked as the country’s prime minister from 2008 to 2012. Russia’s president-elect will lead the country for six years.

Meanwhile, Moscow police said they had arrested 120 people during an unsanctioned rally against Putin on Monday.

This comes as the opposition groups staged a protest on Sunday in Moscow, aimed at mounting pressure on Putin and reviving the protest movement that has lost momentum since March since Putin’s victory in the March 4 presidential election.

The opposition has raised fraud allegations and called for demonstrations, but Putin has several times assured Russians he “won in honest and fair combat.”

According to the media reports, some 400 people, including opposition leaders, were arrested during the Sunday protest.


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