Qatari fuel aid to Gaza facing Israeli obstacles

[ PIC 03/05/2012 – 01:02 PM ]

GAZA, (PIC)– The Palestinian energy authority in Gaza said Thursday the power plant was provided with a limited amount of fuel, 100 thousand liters, after three days of continued outages.

Spokesman for the energy authority Ahmed Abul-Omarein told the Palestinian information center (PIC) that the fuel shipments that are allowed into Gaza cannot cover the daily power needs in Gaza.

Abul-Omarein also stated that a Qatari oil vessel unloaded its fuel aid at Suez port, but it would take some time before the shipment arrives in Gaza.

He added that the fuel aid was arranged to arrive through Karam Abu Salem crossing, but the Israeli occupation authority refused that and said it would not allow in this shipment except through Awja crossing.

The official explained that Awja crossing is geographically remote that would make such shipment exposed to damage and hijacking.

He expressed hope that the Qatari aid could overcome all obstacles and fully arrive in Gaza, noting that this fuel grant is enough to operate the plant generators for two months.

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