Qld flooding predicted to get worse

The torrential rain that’s caused flash flooding in southeast Queensland is predicted to get even worse.

Evacuation centres have been set up at Narangba, Dakabin and Deception Bay, where residents sought shelter last summer after several homes in the region were inundated.

Residents from 10 properties in Dale St in the suburb of Burpengary, north of Brisbane, were evacuated on Tuesday evening.

The entire southeast coast is bracing for more heavy falls into today, with the weather bureau warning the downpours may extend inland.

The Bureau of Meteorology’s severe weather forecaster Michael Knepp said the heaviest falls would be on the coast but the Lockyer Valley, devastated during last year’s floods, could also be hit.

Mr Knepp said the southeast has experienced its heaviest rainfall since the downpours that led to last year’s floods.

In ten hours Caloundra on the Sunshine Coast recorded 271mm of rain, he said.

Stieglitz Wharf, near Jacobs Well on the Gold Coast, recorded 76mm of rain in just one hour.

“It’s not absolutely rare but you don’t see this kind of thing that often,” Mr Knepp said.

Four children were rescued from a swollen creek in the suburb of Morayfield, and there have been reports of homes evacuated on the Gold and Sunshine Coasts.

On the Gold Coast a motorist was rescued from a flooded road at Upper Coomera by a tow-truck driver.

Hundreds of roads were closed and emergency volunteers in the southeast scrambled to respond to more than 500 calls for assistance between midnight and 7pm (AEST) on Tuesday.

A Department of Community Safety spokeswoman said volunteers were responding to reports of leaking roofs and minor inundation in their busiest period since last summer.

SEQ Water has begun releases from its North Pine Dam, north of Brisbane, and its Leslie Harrison Dam, in the city’s east.

The water authority has mobilised its flood operations centre but says its unlikely to release water from Wivenhoe Dam in the next 24 hours.

The deluge caused delays for commuters after flash flooding closed the Shorncliffe line in the suburbs of Nudgee and Sandgate, north of Brisbane, just before 5pm (AEST).

Buses replaced trains for about 40 minutes, while bus routes were disrupted after flash flooding in Caboolture streets, a Translink spokesman said.

All council Australia Day events planned for the Moreton Bay Region and for the Gold Coast’s Evandale Parklands have been cancelled because of heavy rain.

Meanwhile Trinity College at Beenleigh, south of Brisbane, has announced it will be closed on Wednesday because of local flooding.

Ipswich councillor Paul Tully said the suburb of Goodna was experiencing localised flooding and residents were on edge after last year’s devastating floods.

Rain is predicted for the remainder of the week but it’s unlikely to cause the sort of widespread and devastating flooding that was seen last summer, according to the weather bureau.

“The reason the Brisbane River flooded last year was because we had a lot of heavy rainfall inland and in the Wivenhoe Dam catchment,” Mr Knepp said.

“Those areas have been spared so far.”

Moreton Bay Regional Council said late on Tuesday that Watson Park Convention Centre on Old Gympie Road at Dakabin will now be open to flood-affected residents.

Residents are advised that they are required to take their own bedding to the evacuation centre.

Darlington State School, southwest of Brisbane, will remain closed on Wednesday because of localised flooding, the Queensland Department of Education says. However, that will not stop the school’s students from learning.

The principal will be delivering lessons to 13 of the 16 students online.

All other state schools will remain open at this stage.

But the department says that parents who need to send their children to schools in affected areas should exercise extreme caution and closely monitor road conditions.

Parents and staff should also monitor morning radio reports about the status of schools in any flood-affected areas.

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