Qld govt defends budget cuts

Queensland Treasurer Tim Nicholls says the government is making unpopular budget cuts because the state’s finances are in a state where it must borrow to pay wages.

The state’s new Liberal National Party government has been criticised for axing the Premier’s Literary Awards and to a lesser extent, corporate box entertainment at sports events.

A reconciliation of Queensland’s finances with Under Treasurer Helen Gluer found the state had been borrowing to pay public servants’ wages for three years, Mr Nicholls says.

“They are borrowing to pay recurrent expenditure,” he told ABC Radio on Monday.

“That is borrowing to pay wages, to keep the lights on, to put the fuel in the tanks of the police cars and the ambulances and the fire engines.

“At the moment we’re looking at deficits up until about 2013/14 … we’re hopeful of being able to bring it back into a balanced or surplus position by 2014/15.”

The state had increased its public servants from 145,000 to 235,000 in the past decade, the treasurer says.

The wages bill cannot continue to grow.

“Expenses for … things like wages cannot continue to grow at the rate they have in the past otherwise we won’t get out of this downward spiral of debt and deficit left by the former government,” he said.

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