Quick-thinking driver, 20, escapes death by tearing off her seatbelt and rolling out of harm’s way as lorry flattens her car

  • Lorry was pulling trailer, which toppled over on top of the Nissan Micra
  • Brave woman managed to scramble out of crushed passenger side

Emma Reynolds

09:51 EST, 26 June 2012


09:58 EST, 26 June 2012

A terrified 20-year-old woman narrowly escaped death by tearing off her seatbelt and rolling on to her side as a lorry toppled over on to her car.

These dramatic pictures show just how close she came to being crushed inside the Nissan Micra when it was flattened on the A50 in Staffordshire.

The shocked young woman saw the lorry trailer begin to fall and managed to roll into the foetal position.

Cheating death: The 20-year-old woman on just managed to roll into the foetal position before the heavy lorry fell on top of the Nissan Micra

Cheating death: The 20-year-old woman on just managed to roll into the foetal position before the heavy lorry fell on top of the Nissan Micra

Bravery and intelligence: The young woman was left with only a hand injury after her lightning-fast reactions

Bravery and intelligence: The young woman was left with only a hand injury after her lightning-fast reactions

Her quick reactions saved her life as her grey Nissan was completely crushed – its underside left touching the floor with the red lorry trailer resting on top of it.

She then bravely clambered out of the car through the passenger side, escaping with just a hand injury.

Clambering to safety: Emergency services paid tribute to the woman's presence of mind after the dramatic accident occurred at 8.30am

Clambering to safety: Emergency services paid tribute to the woman’s presence of mind after the dramatic accident occurred at 8.30am

The dramatic incident happened today at 8.30am in Uttoxeter.

A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman said: ‘The incident happened just after a roundabout. The lorry was in the outside lane on the dual carriageway, with the Nissan Micra in the inside lane.

‘The lorry was pulling a trailer which toppled over onto the car pushing the roof down into the passenger compartment.

‘The 20-year-old woman in the car told ambulance staff that she realised what was happening and managed to get her seatbelt off and roll onto her side in a foetal position.

‘By the time the rapid response vehicle arrived she had managed to scramble out of the car via the passenger side.

‘Given the level of damage to the car, had she not had the presence of mind to act the way that she did, the level of injury would certainly have been serious if not worse.

‘It is fair to say that her quick thinking probably saved her life.

‘The woman suffered a hand injury. After being assessed at the scene, she was taken to the specialist hand injury clinic at Royal Derby Hospital.

‘The man driving the lorry was uninjured but understandably shaken by the incident.’

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– Georgie, London – Don’t point out the obvious Georgie or they’ll complain and have your comment removed like they did mine. Some people can’t deal with the truth. —– But I’ll make the point again for those who aren’t reading the article – It was a dual carriageway. That means two lanes of traffic!

Nothing in the article says she was undertaking. People need to read the full article before commenting. These ‘second’ trailers are attached by a relatively flimsy device, unlike the fifth wheel that connects the primary trailer. This makes the second trailer much more prone to this sort of incident. The good condition of the Micra before the crash suggests it was her pride and joy. I bet she is more upset about the damage to her car than her hand. Well done, young lady. We need a lot more people with your quick thinking and reflexes in this country.

@ It was handy that the vehicle behind was an Ambulance don’t you thnk ?- Steve P N, Leeds, West Yorkshire, 26/6/2012 16:58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Errrr, the ambulance was there because of an accident – surely you can’t be that thick?! Oh dear, I actually fear you are. – Georgie, London, 27/6/2012 1:27…………………………………………. A quick glance at the photo and my immediate thought was the same as Steve’s, then my brain kicked in. Anyway, it was an understandable mistake, so was there really any need for you to be so rude, all you had to say was ‘the ambulance was there because of the accident’ – PS you did of course means to say because of the accident and not “because of an accident” !

Looking at the picture, rather than reading the article, it appears to me from the position of the trucks wheels he may have run up the bank at the side.

Driver of HGV may not have been driving to fast but could have had an unbalanced load, this happens when collecting ready loaded trailers, could have been loaded top heavy, loaders do not care how loaded which often overloads one axle but driver gets the blame if caught for any reason. A guy who I sworked with on 40ft tankers overturned at 4 mph according to several witnesses. Well done to the quick thinking of the young lady driver, hope your hand heals quickly.

She is VERY lucky to be alive. This was not an artic, it is a lorry pulling another trailer. It does raise questions about how wise it is to have a vehicle like this on the roads. Fair enough having these ‘road trains’ in Australia and US but do we really need them here? I don’t care what any ‘trucker’ says it obviously isn’t very safe end of story.

It was handy that the vehicle behind was an Ambulance don’t you thnk ?- Steve P N, Leeds, West Yorkshire, 26/6/2012 16:58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Errrr, the ambulance was there because of an accident – surely you can’t be that thick?! Oh dear, I actually fear you are.

I hate passing lorries on the motorways and dual carriageways as I always have a fear of them either toppling over or (as frequently happens) pulling straight out into the lane I am in. They very often just indicate and pull straight out – they don’t even seem to look to see if there is anything already in the lane they are wanting to pull into.
I think lorries are more of a danger on the roads than cars.
Invariably, it seems, when there has been a pile-up lorries always seem to be involved.

What was she doing undertaking? Typical women driver, dear oh dear oh dear oh dear.

It was handy that the vehicle behind was an Ambulance don’t you thnk ?

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