July 3, 2012

June 30, 2012 | Ramallah protested against Abbas’ intention to talk to criminal Mofaz: Stop talking Abbas! | Read it all here

The PA police turned very violent and suppressed the demo barely before it started so the day after, Palestinians again took to the streets to protest against police violence. Which turned out even more violent.

July 1, 2012 | ‪Ramallah‬ protested against the violence used before by PA Police | Read and watch it here

Especially photographers, press and activists ‘weaponed’ with cameras were targetes. Equipment was confiscated and even SD cards were destroyed.

Today, July 3, 2012, Ramallah goes back to the streets to protest for several demands which can be read here

Maan News Agency is also present with several reporters and live reporting here

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