REPORT: 100,000+ active-duty Army troops on meds

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Kim Murphy
Los Angeles Times
Monday, April 9, 2012


In a small but growing number of cases across the nation, lawyers are blaming the U.S. military’s heavy use of psychotropic drugs for their clients’ aberrant behavior and related health problems. Such defenses have rarely gained traction in military or civilian courtrooms, but Burke’s case provides the first important indication that military psychiatrists and court-martial judges are not blind to what can happen when troops go to work medicated.

After two long-running wars with escalating levels of combat stress, more than 110,000 active-duty Army troops last year were taking prescribed antidepressants, narcotics, sedatives, antipsychotics and anti-anxiety drugs, according to figures recently disclosed to The Times by the U.S. Army surgeon general. Nearly 8% of the active-duty Army is now on sedatives and more than 6% is on antidepressants — an eightfold increase since 2005.

“We have never medicated our troops to the extent we are doing now…. And I don’t believe the current increase in suicides and homicides in the military is a coincidence,” said Bart Billings, a former military psychologist who hosts an annual conference on combat stress.

The pharmacy consultant for the Army surgeon general says the military’s use of the drugs is comparable to that in the civilian world. “It’s not that we’re using them more frequently or any differently,” said Col. Carol Labadie. “As with any medication, you have to look at weighing the risk versus the benefits of somebody going on a medication.”

But the military environment makes regulating the use of prescription drugs a challenge compared with the civilian world, some psychologists say.

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18 Responses to “REPORT: 100,000+ active-duty Army troops on meds”

  1. get the psychs with the psych drugs away from the troops . if a guy is in such bad shape he needs this shit , its time for a discharge or desk job.
    sending a combat soldier into the field pumped up on anti depressants and narcotics sounds like a really bad idea . ya think ?

    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    April 9th, 2012 at 7:26 am

    “REPORT: 100,000+ active-duty Army troops on meds”

    I See Master Witches And Sorcerers Casting Spells Of EVIL Upon The Masses…

    Study Your Runes, Turn Your Tarot Cards, Toss Your Stolen Bones, DRAK LORDS OF DARKNESS…

    At Every Turn, Within Every Pico-Second, I Will BE THERE, Confounding YOUR MASTER LUCIFER WHO DARES NOT COME NEAR ME.

    for his

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 9th, 2012 at 10:16 am

    I cast.. MAGIC MISSILE!!

  2. Yeah, I was wondering about that ? I took Zoloft for years, but stopped two years ago, and wondered how in the world could those soldiers endure that crap they’re going through without anxiety and panic attacks screwin-up their sleep ? You can’t run the human body like that, it’ll bust in a minute.

  3. Of course you are going to need drugs to deal with the depleted uranium dust and the raping and pillaging of unarmed civilians.

    Spymyeys Reply:
    April 9th, 2012 at 4:09 am

    exactly huggles!

    Getting sleep in normal conditions is very hard for people who have to endure combat.

    With the pussifiying of the average american male, most young troops have NOT had to deal with anymore violence in their lives then a fistfight on the schoolyard which is broken-up in seconds, with counciling and meds for all.

    Then they are thrust into an enviorment where death happens all the time, enemy and friendly alike, and they are TOTALLY unprepaired for the consiquences.

    So naturally, it’s meds for all time again!

    There, all better.

    Now go back home to no job, no home, no future, and permanent nightmares.

    And then they have the gall to say ” I have no idea why the suicide rate of returning troops is so high”?

    The pols, doctors, and entire gubbermint is gonna get their payback in spades, and soon too!

    Huggles Reply:
    April 9th, 2012 at 5:20 am

    Why Spynmyeys you paint these volunteer soldiers as suckers.

    A couple of my friend’s sons said that they were going to enlist. They were struggling to get into university so they thought they could have a career in the military.

    I told them that joining the military in a time of war is stupid. It is different to being in the military for several years getting trained up and then going to war.

    I also said that no working class lad should ever go to war unless the sons and daughters of of politicians and royality go to the war front first.

    Then we had prince William go to Afghanistan and it was touted all over the press. I pointed out to my friend’s sons that William had a battalion of Ghurka shock troops as his personal body guard and he did not go on patrols.

    No working class person, even those who delude themselves into thinking they are middle class, should go to war for TPTB.

    Spymyeys Reply:
    April 9th, 2012 at 5:31 am


    At no time did I intend my comments to be taken as calling our troops “suckers”.

    I was pointing out that most young people today have been brought up sheltered from the cruel world and are NOT prepaired to see, feel, and experience, war first hand.

    It is the fault of the nanny state and making sure that nobody loses, nobody is second best, we are all #1 is what public schools have been teaching for over 20 years now.

    Nobody should be bullied, nobody should ever feel pain, suffering, or feel anything but happy happy joy joy every day of their lives twittering and tweeting away in blissful ignorance on facebook of what the “real” world has in store for them.

    No huggles, anyone that has the courage to sign their life rights away for the benefit of others is O.K. in my book, always!

    captain obvious Reply:
    April 9th, 2012 at 6:59 am

    DC Wall Street big banks and corporations sabotaged our economy, part of it is young guys CANT find anything “gainful employment”, and if they have a baby, owe child support, they’re about cornered into joining the military. same for the young guys caught stealing or other dumb stuff trying to exist, the jails offer em an “easy out” to enlist.

    now about the medications they’re PUSHING,
    what better way to label em as crazy and take away their 2nd amendment rights when they get out and come home? this isnt friggin rocket science!

  4. They are drug companies; guess what they do for a living ?
    A.) Help old ladies get proper nutrition.
    B.) Are the backbone of a first class health care system.
    C.) Help provide cures for disease
    D.) Sell Drugs

  5. Working for a Commander like they have, I’d be requesting Thorazine while I was awake and Heroin to go to sleep !

  6. how else can you get grunts to drive around waiting to be blown up by an unseen enemy? drug them up in preparation for more endless wars. uncle sam WANTS YOU!

    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 9th, 2012 at 7:42 am

    Scam…..Uncle Scam

  7. No one on meds should be making life and death decisions. The reason they put them on meds is because sane people don’t like murdering innocent people. It destroys you. The psychopaths don’t need meds because they feel no human emotions.
    Evil people have been running our country for too long. They must go.

  8. I think the VA is now doing thier best to kill off older vets to make way for the younger ones.

    I asked a guy that looked around 75 how old he was…He replied “53″…I then asked for proof.

    He showed me his license and sure enough…53…Something just wasn’t right about that at all.

    Billo Reply:
    April 9th, 2012 at 8:42 am

    Their killing them with “meds”.

  9. The real shame here is Suicide rate of the Returned Soldiers.These good young Men,need more support when they get Home.

  10. These soldiers today are there to do a job and get paid. Their hearts and minds are not in this war. They see the corruption firsthand, just like in Vietnam, and understand this war is about big business. So they deal with the daily grind and don’t even get their votes counted at the time of elections. After getting home the nightmares don’t stop and they are told to take pharmacutical junk and avoid Marijuana because it is a ‘gateway drug’, even though it helps suppress nightmares, rather than cause them to become worse….. Many of our GI’s trusted Uncle Sam to take care of them, but politics comes first and they are left to suffer after all their sacrifice.

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