Report: 201 Palestinians Died in Israeli Jails (and more…)


RAMALLAH, April 17, 2012 (WAFA) – Marking Prisoner Day, a joint press release by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and the Ministry of Prisoners Affairs said Tuesday that a total of 201 Palestinian prisoners have died in Israeli jails since 1967.

The prisoners died of torture, medical negligence, use of fatal force, premeditated killing and use of shooting, said the press release.

Seven prisoners died in 2007, including five of medical negligence, making it the highest mortality rate among Palestinians in Israeli prisons in one year since 1967.

Around 2,000 Palestinians were arrested since the October prisoners’ exchange deal between Hamas and Israel, at an average of more than 10 arrests per day.

The press release said Israel currently has around 4,700 Palestinians in prison, including six women, 185 minors and 27 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

Israel placed over 20,000 Palestinians under administrative detention, without charge or trial, since 2002, of whom 320 prisoner remain in jail till this moment.

In addition, there are 822 Palestinians who are in detention awaiting trial.


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