Republican Scots plan anti-monarchy rally

The Republic Scotland, which is part of the UK-wide Republic campaign, announced plans to hold the protest rally, beginning from 9am this Thursday, as Queen Elizabeth II, Duke of Edinburgh and other members of the royal family will be attending the annual Thistle Service at St. Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile between Edinburgh Castle and the Palace of Holyroodhouse.

“The awarding of the Order of the Thistle [Scotland’s highest honor] to Prince William is just a further example of how unfair the monarchy and honors system in this country is,” said Republic Scotland chair Paul Leinster.

“Instead of being presented to Scottish people who have worked hard to improve the country, or who have made a positive difference to people’s lives, the Order of the Thistle is presented to friends and relatives of the Queen.”

The British Queen is expected to visit Scottish cities including Edinburgh, Glasgow, Greenock and Perth during the Holyrood Week, beginning from July 2, as part of the jubilee party marking her 60th year on the throne.

Earlier on June 27, hundreds of dissident republicans, anti-monarchy groups and loyalists engaged in a standoff on Belfast’s Black Mountain to protest against the Queen’s visit to Northern Ireland.

Furthermore, on June 3, republicans from across Britain staged a historic protest against the monarchy, at the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant by assembling near City Hall for what the Republic campaign group described as the “biggest republican protest in living memory”.


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