Rescued asylum seekers taken to Darwin

Customs is taking 23 asylum seekers and two boat crew to Darwin for checks, as immigration department figures show Christmas Island is beyond its regular capacity.

An immigration spokeswoman told AAP on Friday there were 1033 detainees on Christmas Island at present.

The department’s website says the “regular operational capacity” of the island’s five detention facilities is 950.

But it can be expanded to just over 2000 if the “contingency capacity” is used, which can mean the use of tents.

The 25 people were picked up by ACV Botany Bay off Ashmore Islands on Wednesday after a mayday call to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.

When officials reached the boat it was still afloat.

An initial media release said the people would be taken to Christmas Island, but a statement on Friday said the port would now be Darwin.

The passengers and crew will undergo security, health and identity checks there.

Immigration officials will then make a decision about their long-term placement.

A Customs spokeswoman said Darwin had been chosen for “operational reasons”.

The media release also added “safety and duty of care” reasons for the decision, but the spokeswoman declined to elaborate.

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