‘Rising oil prices cause US gas hike’

“We’re seeing a surge and energy demands overseas. It’s not just the US picture and when you have the euro strengthening, the dollar weakening, it drives up the prices for crude oil and hence subsequently drives up the prices at the pump,” economist Nancy White told Press TV.

Observers say that the average price of gasoline could exceed USD 4 per gallon nationwide as early as this week. It has already hit USD 4.10 a gallon — a record for this time of year.

In some parts of California on the West Coast, gas has already hit USD 7 per gallon, according to CBS News.

Pump prices have been pushed higher mainly by rising crude oil prices.

Oil has jumped because of concerns that global supplies could become tighter due to West’s dispute with Iran.

Iran cut oil sales to several European firms in reaction to the EU’s anti-Iran embargos.

Tehran’s decision came after the EU banned oil imports from Iran in line with a US-led effort to impose further pressure on the Iranian economy over its civilian nuclear energy program.


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