Rocket kills two Afghan civilians

Abdul Hakim Akhundzadeh, governor of Tagab district, told Press TV on Friday that two people lost their lives and four women suffered injuries in the Matkhel area of the province, situated some 65 kilometers (40 miles) north of the Afghan capital city of Kabul, late on Thursday when a rocket struck a compound as government forces were looking for militants in the area.

He said it was not immediately known whether Taliban militants or Afghan troops had fired the rocket.

Local residents said the injured are being treated at a local hospital.

Insecurity continues to rise across Afghanistan despite the presence of some 130,000 US-led forces in the Asian country.

The United Nations announced on February 4 that 2011 was the deadliest on record for Afghan civilians. The death toll rose eight percent compared to the year before and was roughly double the figure for 2007.

Overall, 3,021 civilians died in violence related to the war and 4,507 were wounded in 2011. Of the deaths, the UN attributed 77 percent to militant attacks and 14 percent to US-led foreign troops and Afghan forces. Nine percent of the cases were classified as unknown.


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