Romney: Obama Speaks Eloquently but “Words Are Cheap”

Mitt Romney. Photo: wiki commons.

CBS News – Attempting to stay a step ahead of President Obama, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney gave a “pre-buttal” to a speech Obama plans in Cleveland on Thursday, saying he expected him to speak “eloquently,” but that “words are cheap” and the president should be denied a second term based on his track record on the economy.

“I think you’re gonna see him change course when he speaks tomorrow, where he will acknowledge that it isn’t going so well, and he’ll be asking for four more years.” Romney told a group of more than 100 business leaders at a meeting of the Business Roundtable Association. “My own view is that he will speak eloquently, but that words are cheap … If you look at his record over the last three and a half years, you will conclude as I have that it is the most anti-investment, anti-business, anti-jobs series of policies in modern American history.”

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