Roundup Herbicide Linked To Parkinson’s-Related Brain Damage
April 20, 2012

Alarming new research published in the journal Neurotoxicology and Teratology supports the emerging connection between glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide, and neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and Parkinsonian disorders.

Published this month (April, 2012), the new study entitled “Glyphosate induced cell death through apoptotic and authophagic mechanisms,” investigated the potential brain-damaging effects of herbicides, which the authors stated “have been recognized as the main environmental factor associated with neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease.”1

They found that glyphosate inhibited the viability of differentiated test cells (PC12, adrenal medula derived), in both dose-and-time dependent manners. The researchers also found that “glyphosate induced cell death via authophagy pathways in addition to activating apoptotic pathways.”

Roundup herbicide is now a ubiquitous contaminant in our air, rain, groundwater, and food, making complete avoidance near impossible. A growing body of experimental evidence now indicates that it in addition to its neurotoxicity it also has the following.

Modes of Toxicity

  • Carcinogen
  • Endocrine Disruptor
  • Genotoxic
  • Biocide
  • Cytotoxic
  • Bioaccumulator
  • Hepatotoxic
  • Teratrogenic
  • Clastogenic
  • Oxidant
  • Aquacidal
  • Mutagenic
  • Aromatase Disruptor
  • Glutathione Down-regulator
  • Malondialdehyde Up-regulator
  • Necrotic
  • Nephrotoxic

Once marketed as “safe as table salt” by Monsanto, the original patent holder and manufacturer of this glyphosate-based herbicide, evidence now indicates it is toxic to human DNA at concentrations diluted 450-fold lower than used in agricultural applications.

This study only adds to human case reports of glyphosate-poisoning  and/or occupational exposure where neurological damage was a direct consequence.  A 2011 case study published in the journalParkinsonism Related Disorders, entitled “Parkinsonism after chronic occupational exposure to glyphosate,” reported the following incident:

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Here we report a patient with parkinsonism following chronic occupational exposure to glyphosate. A previously healthy 44- year-old woman presented with rigidity, slowness and resting tremor in all four limbs with no impairment of short-term memory, after sustaining long term chemical exposure to glyphosate for 3 years as a worker in a chemical factory. The chemical plant produced a range of herbicides including: glyphosate, gibberellins, and dimethyl hydrogen phosphite; however, the patient worked exclusively in the glyphosate production division. She only wore basic protection such as gloves or a face mask for 50 h each week in the plant where glyphosate vapor was generated. She frequently felt weak. Two months before she came to our clinic, she had expe- rienced severe dizziness and blurred vision.

Another case study published in 2003 reported a case of parkinsonism subsequent to glyphosate exposure.

These case studies are also backed up by animal research. In the roundworm model of glyphosate exposure the chemical results in neurodegeneration directly associated with damage to the dopamine and GABA producing neurons. In the rat model, glyphosate exposure results in oxidative brain damage, particularly the substantia nigra, where the highest concentration of dopamine-producing cells reside, and which is the primary locus of neurological damage in Parkinson’s disease.

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14 Responses to “Roundup Herbicide Linked To Parkinson’s-Related Brain Damage”

  1. Perhaps its a good time to mention Patent # 6,630,507, which our loving U.S. govt has taken out for a MEDICAL USE OF MARIJUANA (presumably to be ready for massive profits when legalized).

    Then, its also a good time to mention MEDICAL marijuana treats a wide variety of diseases.

    The US Health Dept’s patent CLEARLY states the illegal herb is an effective antioxidant and neuroprotectant which is “useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases”.

    And, this variety of diseases includes inflammation and age-related health conditions.

    So, who doesn’t get inflammation, or need anti-oxidation and neuroprotection?
    EVERYONE needs both, simply due to drinking our (U.N.)healthy tap water.

    Search for Patent No. 6,630,507 at
    patft1.uspto DOT gov

    So, how come the hypocrites in our government make us pay BILLIONS in taxes for an evidently phony drug war, and fill prisons, and feed a huge drug-related industry, and create GANG wars, and wars with gangs, with our tax money, while at the same time they rack up PATENTS for the eventual legalization of Medical marijuana?

    And notice, its a Fed agency that holds this patent. (Hypocrites, all. Crouch down and lick your master, mammon. The narrow gate is far too small for most of you, anyway)

    Just like it happened when jury nullification destroyed prohibition of alcohol, the same will happen with Medical Marijuana. And as before, the big boys will become king of beers, BUT this time a patent will make it absolute. So, we won’t be able to grow Medical Mary for pennies, instead we’ll have to pay at least $420 an ounce, which is the real joke about “420″. It’s a term given to us by our moneychanger masters, to mock people who must pay such an outrageous price for god’s gift.

  2. Yeah, they’re getting us all ready for the last Round Up. Get it?…Round Up Ready? Ready for the Last Round Up?

    • Haw Haw Haw…geez.

  3. FARMERS are fuckin stupid and greedy too be sure!!!! They will believe monsanto over science!!!

    • …mad science over chemistry, more to the point. Greed knows no borders.

  4. of course it is. . .
    but michael j fux and his morally corrupt hollyweird buddies would rather use aborted fetal tissue to restore their minds rather than admit that global corporations are destroying this planet.
    mind control at its best.
    unplug your mind from the tv. . .
    and you’ll realize how stupid these mthrfkrz really are!

  5. Michael J. Fox must have been spraying this stuff on his lawn…

    • Maybe, but in many of his publicity interviews he always had a can (aluminum) of Diet Coke in his hand.

      • Then the GMO HFCS came out in the 90′s and America started to get fat.

        I remember in the mid 80′s, so many people became addicted to Diet Coke drinks…The first time I tried it during that time, I spit it out in the sink. I don’t how anyone could drink that garbage!

        • …goes great with health conscious drinkers of jack or jim or the capt’n…that stuff ain’t garbage, right ? Those ‘toxins’, under many titles, kills, and/or destroys entire families, (Oh yes, along with entire cultures…), but what the hey right…it’s acceptable. Everything has value point/level, in this world…now doesn’t it ? Why aren’t you sooo pissed about that shit ? Hhhmmnn…strange isn’t it, that you are ‘programed’ to overlook this…simply put, ‘BRAINWASHED’. Just stating a truth.

  6. Think about it , farmer’s spraying these chemicals on the food we eat that kills insects and weeds , what did they think ? that we would not be harmed in some way ?? Its just amazing how stupid we have become . Alex is sooooooo right , its soft kill in the first degree

    • Uh yea, exactly. I mean we can blame Monsanto as much as we’d like and we would still be correct, but people often forget to blame those that use it though. Are farmers so stupid to think that spraying toxins on plants we are supposed to eat that the plants won’t absorb this stuff? Either they are stupid, desperate, or greedy and I think it’s a bit of each in most cases. My family had a very large farm that went downhill around the 60′s I believe. They understood that the soil must be kept clean and natural. Super german-y people, so they naturally love nature. lol We don’t have too many pests around here, but they always knew natural non-toxic methods of controlling them. As the market changed and capital consolidated along with power, they couldn’t compete with corporate farms and corporate grocery stores. They couldn’t afford to deliver raw milk fresh to people’s houses in the morning along with all other types of dairy and they couldn’t make enough to compete with the chains by going to farmers markets or driving to town and selling straight to people. It just wasn’t profitable unless you used massive amounts of poisons and paid your workers nothing. I’d love to know exactly why the economy shifted like that. The fed and it’s ever expanding money supply? I don’t really know the exact reasons.

      I think more people than ever realize we are so sick because our environment has been contaminated. We can NEVER clean it up…maybe a hundred years or more till we have technology to reclaim the land. Even if we somehow stopped pollution today, we would still have to wait for medical tech to cure most cancer (Totally possible within two decades.) and cure the majority of other diseases caused by poisons.
      I hope people realize the environmentalists are right, even if a bit misguided by propaganda. They want a clean environment regardless of the specifics they have in mind to accomplish that. Their heart is in the right place, they just may be a bit ignorant is what I’m saying. They should be persuaded by knowledge instead of being attacked. Despite hundreds of millions vs. a tiny minority, we have fracking, oil, and nuclear disasters on a regular basis and that’s just a tiny part of the energy industry, ignoring all other forms of toxins. YOU RIGHT NOW have radionuclides from Chernobyl and Fukushima as well as from bomb tests IN YOUR BODY. In your bones you have strontium-90 from the nuclear disasters and tests, constantly bombarding your cells with high energy particles causing DNA mutations. That’s just ONE industry and 50 years worth of it. The sad thing is that nuclear research could have been conducted without contaminating the world. Nuclear power plants COULD have been designed to truly be safe and that is coming from a staunch supporter of shutting every nuke plant on the planet. It all comes down to money and power. Money for the businessmen and power for the gov’t and military. Check out to get a grasp on the scope of the disaster and find out some anecdotal evidence, as well as some statistical as well, from Japanese doctors and the rates of diseases. Heart attacks, cancers esp. in children like leukemia, miscarriages (Believe they went up a third in Fukushima.), and birth defects will sky rocket from now to the coming decades and forever basically. If we had a true democracy, we would punish those who wish to harm us. We need US in office. It’s the only way to fix our problems. Get involved and kick out the shit “representatives.” Maybe it’s time for a revised and more protective of individual’s rights, to now include environmental contamination and current even future problems concerning information, constitution and the form of “our” democracy itself? I think some people have this ideology that the economy will always produce a utopia. They worship business for some reason, like a god. We can have free markets that are fair and that promote only environmentally conscious business ventures. Think of nuclear power…A multi-billion dollar industry, much of which is funded by our tax money. The technology left to corporations subjected it to the laws of economy. They couldn’t make a profit if they designed it to maximal safety. They cut corners every step of the way to make it as profitable as possible. That industry is one instance where, assuming we need nuclear to begin with, the government should have run the plants itself from the design stage to it’s operation. That also assumes we have a competent and altruistic government. My point is that businesses don’t have the money to do these operations safely, while the government does. So, the businessman ISN’T the solution in every single case. I think when it concerns energy or technology that could possibly pollute/harm us, like nuclear, that the market should not be allowed to develop it since it is a subject to profit. It depends on a case by case basis. I’m specifically talking about commercial nuclear plants here, but you get the idea. Just more proof that ideologies don’t work, whether it be capitalist or marxist or socialist or whatever. We’d also need a real democracy and an intelligent population for the government to be responsible. Guess it really comes down to the collective knowledge/intelligence of the people and their reasons for being alive. Those that exist for profit above humanity are truly the scum of the earth. Science, technology and knowledge with love for one another seem to be the only way humanity can survive. Weird rant I know, but your comment got me thinking.

      • …Whew ! heh, heh…nice volley !

      • …and doesn’t chernobyl come to mind ?…this time they will not contain ‘it’, to wreak more destruction. How soon we forget. Must be in the water/food/soda/liquor/air…

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