Russia says Assad could go in Syria settlement

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June 5, 2012

Russia said Tuesday it was prepared to see Syrian President Bashar al-Assad leave power in a negotiated solution to 15 months of bloodshed that has claimed more than 13,000 lives.

Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said a day after meeting mediator Kofi Annan in Geneva that Russia would back any peaceful settlement to the crisis as long as it did not involve the use of outside force.

“We have never said or insisted that Assad necessarily had to remain in power at the end of the political process,” Gatilov told the ITAR-TASS news agency in Switzerland.

“This issue has to be settled by the Syrians themselves.”

The comments represent one of Russia’s most explicit declarations of a position first signalled by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov a day after a February 7 meeting in Damascus with Assad.

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One Response to “Russia says Assad could go in Syria settlement”

  1. Does Russia cooperate with the NWO or not?

    I believe Russia is on board with the NWO scum.

    When it came to the Libya debacle, it appears that Russia went along with it. Why doesn’t the Russian government put out straight forward criticism of some of the moves by the NWO? Why doesn’t Russia say anything about chemtrails?,,,,,,

    Actually, I believe that Russia and China are willing partners in the total control scheme. I think that there is a lot of disinfo/psyop in this area too. Maybe they have already been given the plan for which sector their rich scum get to rape and pillage under the new worldwide martial law plan. Maybe they will have a pseudo war just to put up walls again (prisons for the people).

    It may be that I need to research this area further, and I would be pleased to hear others opinions on this.

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