Russia: Thousands join anti-government march in Moscow

“So far those in power have not heard our demands. So far no kind of
reform is happening, and in March, they are hoping again to hold an unclean,
unfree, untransparent election to check through their candidate – the main
crook and thief – Vladimir Putin to the post of president.” said
Sergei Udaltsov, a perennial opposition figure and leader of the ‘Left
Front’ movement.

He continued: “For that reason, today’s action is directed at urging all
residents of Russia to be as active as possible to go into the streets and
on the 4th of March, to prevent another act against the law from happening.”

Police estimated “up to 40,000” people attended the march, though independent
observers and several Russian newspapers put the number closer to 100,000.

Meanwhile, pro-Putin groups held their own, simultaneous counter-demonstration
in the south west of the city.

Speakers at the rally, dubbed “We have much to lose” warned the crowd of the
dangers of a Ukraine-style “Orange revolution.”

Police estimated 138,000 people rallied at the pro-Putin event. The opposition
quickly dismissed that figure as grossly inflated. Russia’s state-owned news
agency RIA Novosti said its correspondent thought the real attendance was
“much lower” than the official figure.

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