Russia Threatens Preemptive Strike on NATO Facilities

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Kurt Nimmo
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Russia Threatens Preemptive Strike on NATO Facilities west may strike iran by summer general nikolai makarov 1329291332 4439Russian Chief of General Staff Nikolai Makarov.

Russia will take out NATO’s missile defense system in Eastern Europe if the U.S. implements a missile shield, Chief of General Staff Nikolai Makarov warned on Thursday.

“A decision to use destructive force pre-emptively will be taken if the situation worsens,” he said at an international conference attended by senior U.S. and NATO officials, according to the Associated Press.

“When the Americans begin constructing the third stage of their missile defense plans in Europe and the effectiveness of our strategic nuclear forces is jeopardized, serious issues will arise regarding Russia’s appropriate reaction,” Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said in an interview published in the Wednesday edition of Rossiyskaya Gazeta, according to Russia Today.

Russia recently commissioned a radar in Kaliningrad, its western outpost situated near the Polish border. The radar is capable of monitoring missile launches from Europe and the North Atlantic.

Last year Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said his country will retaliate if an agreement on the missile defense system is not reached. “I have ordered the Armed Forces to develop a set of measures that will enable Russia, if necessary, to destroy the data exchange and control centers of the missile defense system,” Medvedev said in November, 2011.

On April 5, 2009, Obama pledged to install a missile defense system in Eastern Europe to counter Iranian missiles. “The Czech Republic and Poland have been courageous in agreeing to host a defense against these missiles,” Obama said from Prague. “As long as the threat from Iran persists, we will go forward with a missile defense system that is cost-effective and proven.”

On Thursday, France’s Director for Strategy Affairs and Defense Policy, Michel Miraillet, said Iran’s missiles do not threaten Europe. “Firstly Iran’s ballistic missile program threatens neither Europe or the United States,” he said at a missile defense conference held in Moscow prior to a forthcoming NATO summit to be hosted in Chicago. “Secondly, the Iranian nuclear program is developed for civil applications only.”

NATO and the United States reacted to the Russian promise to take out the facilities. Alexander Vershbow, NATO’s deputy secretary general, said the planned system will not be aimed at Russia and added that Russia’s intercontinental ballistic missiles are “too fast and too sophisticated” for the planned system to intercept.

Senator John McCain, speaking from Lithuania, said the Russians are exploiting the planned missile defense system as an “excuse to have a military buildup in this part of the world, which is at peace, is really an egregious example of what might be even viewed as paranoia on the part of Vladimir Putin.”

In March, presidential contender Mitt Romney characterized Russia as an enemy. “Russia, this is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe. They — they fight every cause for the world’s worst actors,” he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

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18 Responses to “Russia Threatens Preemptive Strike on NATO Facilities”

  1. We can only hope they take out NATO! And maybe D.C., while in session of course ? That would be a bonus!

  2. Russian generals play chess well.
    American generals play checkers.
    The dogs of war hate cats who’re
    hard to herd in the dark, uphill in
    the rain. Let your inner kitten out.

  3. And hopefully you and your loser family.

    LibertyHound Reply:
    May 3rd, 2012 at 12:50 pm

    @ rat turds

    Someone call an exterminator, there are rat turds everywhere!

  4. But the Russians are scheduled to be training in Colorado soon. Maybe the exercise will be canceled.

  5. Well, the NATO hell army is asking for it, so the Ruskies are liable to give it to them.

  6. McCain is the last person who should be opening their mouth about excuses for military buildup. He lied through his teeth about Iran while singing his parody to the Beach Boys song Barbra Ann that was Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran.

    What a two faced shit eating scumbag Manchurian Candidate.

    This piece of shit sold out this country for better treatment in the Hanoi Hilton while real Americans endured countless acts of torture and did not sell out.

    He committed treason and gave the Soviet and Chinese interrogators sensitive information on the United States when he was a POW. This has been documented by not only the US Government, it has also been documented by the Russians, Chinese, and Vietnamese and yet he somehow doesn’t get charged, convicted, or detained for his criminal acts. He was allowed to run for Congress to boot. Under the color of law, torture or not, you provide enemy combatants sensitive information, you have committed a capitol crime punishable by death.

    This is the same son of a bitch who out of one corner of his mouth talks about preserving freedom and the American way of like while through the other corner of it talks about stripping our freedoms away in the name of security.

    dncholas Reply:
    May 3rd, 2012 at 1:39 pm

    John McCain makes me sick. He’s a prime example of their needs to be term limits to get rid psychotic delusional people in office. The reason they have a two term on presidents is so they can only do so much damage but that’s of course if checks and balances still currently was in effect. Honestly I think this country either has months or less then four years before the false flag that sends us into WWIII and that is when Martial Law, dictatorship, FEMA camps, etc, will go into effect.

    dib Reply:
    May 3rd, 2012 at 1:59 pm

    Man I think you got EXACTLY his character analysis. I think you’ve got some talent.

  7. The Russian doesn’t seem to realize that anything Obama says or signs is meaningless.

    thrill22cl Reply:
    May 3rd, 2012 at 12:55 pm

    very funny and very true

  8. i thought russia was part of the nato group

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    May 3rd, 2012 at 1:51 pm

    No, NATO and Russia established the NRC for some cooperative endeavors the russian military engages in joint training and research with NATO, but Russia is not a NATO member or an MNNA.

  9. What is a letter of Marque?
    please see:

  10. “Senator John McCain, speaking from Lithuania, said the Russians are exploiting the planned missile defense system as an “excuse to have a military buildup in this part of the world, which is at peace, is really an egregious example of what might be even viewed as paranoia on the part of Vladimir Putin.”

    Well John why doe sthe US need a missile defnce shield then if it is at peace, you must be trying to start something you traitor!

    saber Reply:
    May 3rd, 2012 at 2:24 pm

    I especially enjoyed the “excuse to have a military buildup in this part of the world” part.
    Almost brought tears to my eyes.

  11. “As long as the threat from iran continues”,,,

    More lies from the obama clone.



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