Sacked Yemeni commander steps down

Benomar said General Ahmar has handed his duties over to his successor.

“I personally attended the handover ceremony.”

On April 6, Yemeni President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi issued a decree, firing General Ahmar and General Tariq Mohammed Abdullah Saleh, a nephew to deposed Yemeni dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh, who served as the head of the presidential guard. However, both Yemeni generals had refused to step down.

General Ahmar is a half-brother to the Yemeni dictator and he had refused to quit unless the defense minister and other senior officials also stepped down.

Forces loyal to General Ahmar even surrounded Sana’a International Airport following the April 6 decree, but the airport reopened almost two days later after reassurances were made by the Air Force that there would be no “threats to aviation.”

Benomar added that “all of Hadi’s decisions are being implemented,” responding to a question whether General Saleh had also agreed to quit.

The Tuesday report comes at a time when Yemeni demonstrators demand the restructuring of the army and the prosecution of Ali Abdullah Saleh and his aides over involvement in the killing of protesters during the uprising that began in late January 2011.

Ali Abdullah Saleh formally stepped down and handed power over to his Vice President Hadi on February 27. The power transfer was under a Saudi-backed deal brokered by the (Persian) Gulf Cooperation Council in April 2011 and signed by Saleh in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, on November 23, 2011.

The new Yemeni president, who is a UK-trained field marshal, was sworn in on February 25 following a single-candidate presidential election on February 21, which was supported by the United States and Saudi Arabia.


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