Samsung to expand music service to include iTunes-like ‘scan and match’ feature

We’ve heard that Samsung is planning a cloud service for its Android devices that will rival Apple’s iCloud, and now Samsung has announced that it is working on a “scan and match” feature for users’ music collections.

Fierce Mobile Content has the story, which details Samsung’s announcement that it’ll be adjusting its Music Hub service to include cloud-based features similar to those of iTunes. The service will allow Samsung to scan users’ music collections on their hard drives, determining which tracks they own and then match those tracks to Samsung’s 17-million-file music database. Once the matches are made, users will be able to access those tracks from the cloud from other devices, including their Android mobile devices, provided they have an Internet connection.

If it sounds a lot like iTunes Match, that’s because it’s almost exactly the same. Rather than uploading their music to the cloud, as with Google Music and Amazon’s Cloud Player, iTunes and Samsung’s Music Hub use the tracks the companies already have on-hand. That allows them to provide better-quality versions of those songs, as well.

You can grab the subscription-based Music Hub app from the Samsung Apps storefront, accessible through branded Samsung devices. If you’re willing to pay the monthly fee, you’ll get unlimited streaming access to your content through browsers and mobile devices, and you’ll be able to pull that content down either over a Wi-Fi or 3G Internet connection. Your matched content will also be available on Samsung’s smart TVs and other entertainment products. A subscription runs $9.99 per month for a single device or $14.99 to support as many as four devices, and the scan-and-match feature comes along with it. And for reference: iTunes Match runs $24.99 per year.

Whether that’s the end of Samsung’s cloud services remains to be seen. However, the South Korean device maker is offering 50 gigabytes of Dropbox service to customers who buy the newly announced Galaxy S III smartphone, so it may be that Music Hub is all Samsung has planned for now, opting for a partnership with the established cloud services company Dropbox instead.

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