Sarkozy ally charged with corruption

French prosecutors said on late Wednesday that charges had been filed against Eric Woerth, former French budget minister and treasurer of the Sarkozy’s ruling right-wing UMP party, over alleged influence peddling.

Woerth is suspected of obtaining the Legion of Honor, France’s highest award, for France’s richest woman financial manager in return for getting his wife hired by a company seeing to her holdings.

The corruption charge came after Woerth was questioned for 12 hours by judges investigating a case of alleged illegal campaign financing involving L’Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt and Nicolas Sarkozy.

Woerth stepped down in 2010 after being linked to allegations that money belonging to Bettencourt was handed out in illegal donations to Sarkozy’s election campaign in 2007.

The judges didn’t go ahead with pressing illegal campaign financing charges against Woerth, the office of Bordeaux prosecutors said in a statement.

The corruption charge is a major blow to Sarkozy’s already difficult re-election battle this spring. Sarkozy has condemned the allegations of illegal donations as “lies and calumny”.


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